As a child, i have favourite routines is collect all successful quotes in notebooks. It inspires me daily. Now I would like to share them to you . It can help you do your dream.
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 10. Top Of Activities “Don’t butt. Let’s aim outside the baseball field. Target the company of immortals. – David Ogilvy In the course of this book, I have focused on the ways in which most people become rich: They provide a good quality needed product or service at a…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 9. Learn From The Best “Start imagining what the desired outcome would be. Review these images in your mind, sketching out details and improvements. You practice them over and over again until they become your reality.” – Maxwell Maltz There are only two ways to learn what you need…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 8.Thoughts to Get Rich “Since the purpose of business is to create customers, businesses have two basic tasks, and only these two: marketing and initiatives. Marketing and initiatives create results; Everything else is “cost”.- Peter Drucker You’ve probably heard it said many times that the way to become rich…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 7. Earn The Money You Need “You have talents you never thought of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limits to what you can do, except the limits of your own thoughts.”- Darwin P. Kingsley There are three main reasons why people…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 6. Market And Consumption “From the point of view of the end result, i.e. from the point of view of the customer, marketing is the overarching business. The concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore extend to all areas of the business.”- Peter Drucker The main reason for business…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 5. Build Your Business “Don’t wait for a great opportunity. Take ordinary opportunities and make them big. The weak wait for an opportunity, and the great man creates it.”-Orison Swett Marden Every year aspiring people open more than a million new businesses. There are more than 23 million businesses…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 4. Start from no money “Actually the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Absolutely not. The fence does nothing to the grass. The grass is greenest where it is watered.”- W. Somerset Maugham When I started out in life, I felt sorry for…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way! 3. Invest to success “There comes a time when great opportunities come your way; when they come you have to be able to take advantage of them.” – Sam Walton If you’re really passionate about getting rich your way, now is the time to start doing something about it.…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way 2. Become a person attract money “To be all you can be is a big challenge. You can’t believe what makes the human spirit maximize its potential and push it beyond its limits.”- Jim Rohn The starting point of all wealth is the development of what Napoleon Hill called…
Brian Tracy! Get Rich by Your Way! Introduce! Dedicated to my four beloved children – Christina, Michael, David and Catherine – My most important reason for recognizing and applying these ideas. I wish each of you in the coming months and years to be rich in your own way. ******************* Hello Reader! “You’re looking for…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Chapter 11 The day that turns your life around “Do whatever you have to do as quickly as you can, so you can do whatever you WANT to do, for as long as you can.”— Jim Rohn We have come a long way together. In this book, I have…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 7 Learn the art of living well Chapter 10. The Road to a Richer Lifestyle “Life is for service.” – Fred Rogers As his teacher, Shoaff constantly challenged me. As soon as I applied his principles in one area, he introduced other important foundational principles. As soon as I…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 6 Between winners Chapter 9. Principles of association “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’” – Brian Tracy One of the key influences on shaping the kind of person you want to be is one of…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 5 Manage time Chapter 8. How to be a wise time manager? Vision is the art of seeing what others cannot. – Jonathan Swift Several years ago during a lecture tour in South Africa, I came across a short article by Arnold Bennet, on the subject of time.…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 4 Small Finance Chapter 7. How to be financially free? “The bigger the solution, the bigger the paycheck,” ― Steve Siebold Money is a sensitive subject and most of us have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand we need the safety and comfort it can provide;…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 3 Learn how to change Chapter 6. The magic of personal development You cannot have a million-dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic. ― Stephan C. Hogan One day Shoaff said, “Jim, if you want to be prosperous and happy, study well this lesson: Learn to work…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Strategy 2. Search for knowledge Chapter 5. The Road to Wisdom Goals are like magnets. They’ll attract the things that make them come true. ― Tony Robbins One of the fundamental strategies for living the good life is knowing what information you need to achieve your goals and how…
Jim Rohn is happy and healthy! Chapter 4. Goal: Make them work for you “I didn’t come from money, I started from zero and I have massive appreciation for anyone who can accumulate wealth.”– Grant Cardone “Without dreams and vision, we would be ruined.” That’s true, but you know what, the opposite is also true.…