Brian Tracy! Goals! Always Flexible

Brian Tracy! Goals! Chapter 18: Always Flexible When I see a result that is really worth the effort, I jump right in and try everything until it happens. — Thomas Edison In life, we may find that some people are more successful and happier than others. Some people earn more money, live better lives, feel…

Brian Tracy! Goals! Continually Visualizing

Brian Tracy! Goals! Chapter 17: Continually Visualizing Nurture your visions and dreams as if they were brain children; is the plan that will lead you to the highest achievement. — Napoleon Hill You possess almost limitless mental powers to use when needed. However, many people are unaware of these powers and do not know how…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Activating intellectual potential

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 16: Activating intellectual potential Subjective intelligence is completely dominated by objective intelligence. Regardless of how subjective intelligence affects objective intelligence, objective intelligence still governs the final result with the highest accuracy. ― Thomas Troward Imagine that you have a very strange computer. You can program any goal or question to the…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Make an action plan

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 13: Make an action plan Diligence is a common trait of all successful people. Genius is the art of accepting endless pain. All great achievements have in common the utmost care, limitless endurance, attention to detail. — Elbert Hubbard The ability to set goals and plan to accomplish them is a…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Daily Goal Review

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 15: Daily Goal Review The psychological law is that whatever we aspire to accomplish is inscribed in the unconscious mind or the subjective mind. ― Orison Swett Marden Sometimes, I ask the audience in the course of the talk: “Who here wants to double their income?”. No wonder everyone raised their…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Remove Obstacles

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 10: Remove Obstacles Anyone interested in success must learn to see failure as an inevitable and positive part of the process of reaching the top. — Joyce Brothers How many times do you think each person needs to try to achieve their goals before giving up? On average less than 1…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Belief analysis

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 7: Belief analysis Our distance from what we want depends solely on how much we believe in our ability to make it happen. – Richard M. Devos Perhaps the most important of all spiritual laws is the Law of Belief. This law states that everything you believe in will surely come…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Determine Your Values

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 4: Determine Your Values The universe is made up of all that exists, including one God, one principle of existence, one law shared by all thinking beings, and one truth. ― Marcus Aurelius One of the most important qualities of leaders and successful people in every field is that they always…

Brian Tracy! Goal! Design your life

Brian Tracy! Goal! Chapter 3: Design your life You will become as small as your desire to control and as great as your great desire. — James Allen Through my research, I’ve found that there’s one important trait that all great leaders have: vision. If you are a leader, you must have a vision, otherwise…