Brian Tracy! Get Rich Your Way
8.Thoughts to Get Rich
“Since the purpose of business is to create customers,
businesses have two basic tasks,
and only these two: marketing and initiatives.
Marketing and initiatives create results;
Everything else is “cost”.- Peter Drucker
You’ve probably heard it said many times
that the way to become rich is
to “work hard and save your money”.
This statement is partly true and partly false.
There are many people who work diligently and radically,
but they can barely make it through the day.
However, this principle is somewhat true.
Working hard is important,
as is saving and building capital.
However, the sad reality is that you cannot become rich just
by working hard for more hours.
You also have to work smarter.
You must know how to tap into your creative faculties
and 90% of your intellectual capacity resides in the subconscious
and superconscious mind.
There is a direct relationship
between how much you exercise your creativity
and how rich you become.
The only thing you need is a valuable idea to set you on the path to riches.
In this chapter,
you’ll learn why creativity is so important to success,
some of the obstacles to creativity you need to remove,
and some ways to re-ignite your creativity on a regular basis day.
You’ll learn some key questions you can ask to test the value of new ideas
and how to develop the qualities of genius.
The best way to find yourself is
to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Over the years I have studied intelligence and taught creativity,
this work has led me to believe
that every person has the germ of genius within them.
You can spark your creative imagination
so it gives you everything you could really want in life.
Your job is to learn how to get to this pool of ideas.
Your aim is to learn how to use your creativity to achieve any goal,
overcome any obstacle and solve any problem on your way
to becoming a self-made millionaire
If you want financial success intensely and are willing to work hard,
nothing can stop you.
Your wisdom will show you the way.
There are three main reasons
why it’s important to be creative to build your fortune.
First, solving problems and making decisions are key tasks
for business owners.
Up to 50% to 60% of your time in business
and life must be spent solving certain problems.
The more you become able to think creative ways to solve work
and daily life problems that inevitably arise
and make effective decisions,
the more successful you will be.
Second, each of us wants to make a lot of money.
We all want to be more successful and more prestigious,
to be esteemed and known.
Your ability to solve problems is a key determinant
of how much money you make
and how successful you will become?
Third, you can only make more money
by producing more products.
You can only become rich by doing jobs faster,
better or cheaper and by producing more products.
You can only get to the top by doing higher value work
and this requires you to use your intelligence and creativity more.
“If you work just for money,
you’ll never make it,
but if you love what you’re doing
and you always put the customer first,
success will be yours.” – Ray Kroc
Most people do not work very creatively.
The average person already has a mind so great
that he often has a habit of not using it.
You have heard that the average person uses
less than 10% of their mental capacity,
so their intelligence is latent within.
According to the Stanford Brain Institute,
the brain actually makes up almost 2% of the body’s mass.
This small amount is frequently spent on daily activities,
doing the same things in the same way as before,
for example, watching TV,
and often performing below the potential of distant intelligence.
Thus the average person has 90%
or more of their intellectual potential in reserve, unused.
When you learn to tap into that enormous reserve,
you’ll be able to do whatever you really want in life.
You will start performing at a genius level.
“If you just communicate, you can get by.
But if you communicate skillfully,
you can work miracles.” – Jim Rohn
By sharpening your thinking skills
and exercising your innate creative powers,
you can multiply the value of your efforts
and increase the number of rewards to your.
You can make yourself more valuable in everything you do.
You can get more done in a shorter amount of time.
Fortunately, creativity is a skill that can be learned
and can greatly accelerate your professional growth
and personal growth.
Like playing sports or playing music,
your creativity can be improved by practice.
You can actually make yourself smarter
and smarter by doing things a certain way as you learn the next pages.
“You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day.” – Jeffrey Gitomer
Everything you have or will have is a direct result of the way you think.
The world outside you is a reflection of the world inside you
(law of correspondence).
If you develop the power of reflection,
you will certainly improve the quality of your life very quickly.
There is no sure way to achieve your goals and no limits,
except for the limits that you subject yourself to with doubts about
how clever you really are.
Stimulating your thinking ability
Physically, there are foods that will give you better benefits than others,
they will provide you with abundant health,
vitality and vitality.
In the same way,
having mental foods will also stimulate your thinking ability
and enable you to make better decisions,
achieve better results and achieve wealth goals get
and become financially independent faster
and easier.
Just like with physical training,
the more you train your brain,
the sharper and more agile you become.
You will unleash your innate creativity more giving you more insight
and valuable ideas to achieve your financial goals.
Positive thinking
The first stimulant that affects creativity is a positive thinking attitude.
It is a decision to go ahead to be optimistic in all circumstances.
This is because a positive thinking attitude is well defined
as a “constructive response to stressful situations”.
Most creative people are optimists.
Most of the time they think and discuss what they want
and the steps they can take to achieve their goals
They look for the positive in every situation.
They look for valuable lessons every time they fall behind or get stuck.
They confidently expect to gain something
from every problem or disappointment.
Positive thinking is something you almost always have to choose
and makes a lot of sense.
When you develop the habit of positive thinking,
you will experience higher levels of confidence and self-affirmation.
The more positive you become about yourself and your future,
the more willing you are to challenge different things
and even if such an attitude may sound silly or appear silly.
Resolve today to be the do-able thinker in your life.
Thinking is “I can!” instead of “I can’t!”.
Think continuously about all the different ways your goals can be achieved,
instead of thinking about the obstacles
and problems that might be holding you back right now.
Set clear goals and objectives
Write your thoughts on paper.
Sit down and write down clear goals
and objectives that you must aim for.
Nothing stimulates your creativity more quickly
and more predictably than after you’ve made a clear decision
about exactly what you want,
and then laid out a plan to get it.
Remember that you will become what you think about most often.
Think continuously about your goals.
Pay attention to them throughout the day.
Think of them last before you go to bed at night
and first when you wake up in the morning.
The very impact of thinking about your goals
and how you can achieve them will make you a more positive
and creative person.
The more you think about your goals,
the more often you will put your subconscious
and conscious minds to work to give you the ideas,
and energy needed to accomplish them and show them.
Thinking about your goals stimulates the law of attraction
and begins to attract into your life people
and circumstances that can help you achieve them
in ways you never even imagined statue today.
By thinking about your purposes,
you transform your mind into an energy field in the universe
that pulls you toward goals
and pulls goals toward you.
Stimulate your mind
Nurture yourself with intellectual stimulation.
Continually feed your mind with books,
audio programs,
various magazines,
and curated information.
The more you stimulate your mind with different and novel ideas,
and perspectives,
the more you can keep up with ideas that will lead
to solving your problems and overcoming challenges in your obstacle.
There seems to be a direct relationship
between the number of new ideas you come up with on your own
and the likelihood that you’ll come across exactly the right idea
for you at the right time.
Most new ideas don’t work,
at least not in their original form.
But sometimes when two
or more ideas are combined,
a breakthrough can occur to change your financial life.
Always keep your mind open.
Creative visualization exercise
A great way to stimulate your thinking and spark your genius is
to constantly imagine and visualize your goal
as if it were achieved.
The more you can create a desire to be clear in your mind,
the more you will come up with ideas
that will help make your purpose a reality.
Also, when you have a clear understanding
of exactly what you want,
create clear mental images of yourself as actually doing
what you will have to do to get there.
If you need to present your business,
negotiate a loan,
or get someone else’s cooperation or help,
practice “mental rehearsal”.
Like if you were rehearsing a play on stage,
rehearse the upcoming event in your head.
Discuss the details of the entire meeting
or do a mental presentation,
from start to finish,
and imagine every detail in every situation.
Visualize and consider yourself calm,
and stress-free.
See how others respond to you in a positive,
and considerate way.
Repeat this scene over and over
until you feel comfortable and confident in your best performance.
This is an effective way to stimulate your creativity.
Know how to be funny
One of the best ways to stay positive and creative is
to develop a sense of humor about yourself and your life.
The more humorous you are,
the more ideas you will come up with.
Make a habit of not only being optimistic
but also humorous about people,
and experiences.
Don’t make yourself look too serious.
The more you smile,
the more witty you are,
the more creatively you can relate directly to those situations.
Every time you laugh,
you release endorphins
and dopamine into your brain,
which stimulate your creativity
and make you feel happier.
People who often smile will be more creative than those who do not.
When we take a group of businesses
to practice coming up with good ideas on a whim,
we encourage them to catch up on most ideas that can be humorous.
Everyone can laugh or criticize,
but no one can criticize or ridicule.
Often, the best solutions to complex problems come up
with a group of people having fun talking
to each other
and bringing up funny ideas for discussion.
The more people share their jokes with each other,
the more quality ideas they seem to capture.
Agile and active
A great way to spark creativity is through active physical exercise.
When you do aerobic exercise,
such as,
cycling or swimming
or any other activity that gets your heart rate up
and makes you sweat,
you get more oxygenated blood high to the brain.
After 20 to 25 minutes of vigorous exercise,
you begin to experience the “body-training effect.”
Your brain releases endorphins,
makes you feel very sharp,
your intelligence increases
and makes you feel happier and more relaxed.
In consecutive studies,
researchers found
that aerobic exercise in the morning made them more creative
and intelligent throughout the day than those who didn’t.
They are sharper,
sharper and more alert.
They grasp new information faster and have better memories.
They even scored higher in benchmark tests.
Their IQ actually increased.
The stronger and healthier you are with daily exercise,
the more you can solve problems,
make decisions,
and come up with creative and innovative solutions
to help you achieve your goals purposes.
Physical fitness can be persuasive in business and life.
Practice intense concentration
One of the best ways to improve your creativity is
by purposefully practicing concentration.
Your mind is like a muscle.
When you work hard, your body pumps more blood to your muscles,
making them grow and become stronger.
When you work with your mind,
your body sends more blood to your brain,
stimulating the growth
and activation of more neurons,
and dendrites (neurons).
The key to activating more mental powers
with concentration is to focus on one thing at a time.
You can focus on the information gathered
for example, gather every valuable piece of data
about a particular problem or project.
This often generates insights,
ideas and solutions.
You can focus on stating the problem clearly
and on defining it in a number of different ways.
This exercise can lead to new approaches
and different ways of solving problems.
You can focus on creating multiple solutions to a problem,
rather than having to settle
for the first idea you come across.
The more you focus,
the more you becomes wiser.
The more focused you are,
the more intelligent you will become.
The more focused you are,
the more creative and valuable solutions you will discover.
Expect the best
Another way to stimulate your creativity is
to develop a positive attitude of expectation or self-confidence.
The more confident you can expect to succeed
and get the results you desire,
the more optimistic and joyful you will be.
When you confidently expect the best solution
or solution to any problem you face,
you will almost always find the answer.
The more one develops the creative habit of approaching any problem
with reasonable conviction,
the more viable the solution is just waiting to be found.
No matter how much difficulty they have to go through,
they continue to proceed as if the successful outcome was predetermined.
They remain calm, positive and playful.
Surprisingly, this attitude almost always makes them find solutions,
find good in every problem,
or learn invaluable lessons from every difficult situation.
Take charge of your life
One of the key keys to stimulating creativity is taking responsibility
for yourself 100% and no matter what.
Whenever you run into some kind of difficulty,
stay grounded in the situation by saying,
“I am in charge.”
When you take responsibility,
you immediately take control of your mind
and the situation.
With this sense of control,
your confidence and self-esteem will increase.
You will feel more competent and confident.
You will feel more likely to make appropriate decisions and act rationally.
Above all, you will activate your intellectual capacities higher
and use your creative talents more.
The root cause of almost all negative emotions
is the tendency of many people
to blame others for their problems,
both past and present.
Unfortunately, when you blame someone else,
you inadvertently position yourself as a victim.
Instead of feeling empowered
and able to handle whatever comes your way in life,
the act of blaming others for a problem
or predicament makes you feel angry
and frustrated.
The best parts of your brain shut down
and all your emotions turn into reasoning
and justifying your negative emotions.
But when you take full responsibility for achieving a goal
or solving a problem,
you immediately feel healthier and more confident.
You move from anger
and negativity to positive and optimistic thinking.
The moment you take responsibility for your situation,
your creativity goes to work generating insights
and ideas you can use to solve a problem
or improve it.
Unleash your burning desire
The final key to sparking your creativity is how aspirational it is.
You must have a burning desire
to achieve a particular purpose
as well as a strong desire to perform as an almighty person.
You have to really want to be whatever you are capable of.
Ambition is the attraction that makes you strive continuously
to achieve all you can.
With enough ambition and burning desire,
you can get out of the gratification zone,
you’ll take risks and move on.
The more ambitious you are,
the more you can come up with the creative breakthroughs you need
to achieve all your goals.
“When the customer comes first, the customer will last.” – Robert Half
Geniuses have been studied throughout the ages,
going back thousands of years.
In analyzing the lives
and activities of the great thinkers of the ages,
researchers have concluded that geniuses seem
to have three qualities in common.
Each of these qualities is a habit of thinking
or dealing with the world
that you can learn with practice and repetition.
When you do,
you actually become more nimble.
Many people believe that genius is a matter of IQ,
often as evidenced by the ability
to achieve academically good levels.
However, there are countless stories of people
who were not very educated
or did not score very well on conventional IQ tests,
yet they performed at genius level in life after that.
Genius is not a matter of high proficiency
or high scores in tests.
Instead it reflects the way you act.
If you act smart,
you will appear smart.
If someone acts stupid,
they are not smart,
no matter what their IQ or education.
It turns out that many of the creative geniuses in history
have had only average
or slightly above average IQs,
but they have worked their way up to the top.
With that said,
there are three ways of acting
that all geniuses seem to have in common.
Each of these increases intelligence and creativity,
empowering you to achieve the results that matter most to you.
Learn to focus on a single purpose
First, geniuses develop the ability to focus on a single purpose,
one thing at a time.
The ability to focus on one task seems
to be closely related to the success of any field of endeavor.
Every great achievement is preceded
by a long period of constant concentration,
sometimes for months and even years,
before the achievement becomes a reality.
When we touched on the topic of proficiency at the beginning of this book,
I made the point that it takes five to seven years
for a person to master a skill
or a profession.
It takes 5 to 7 years to become a good neurosurgeon
or a top business person.
It takes years of intensively focused effort to excel in your field
for you to achieve the highest value you are capable of.
Talented people who can’t focus
or try to do too many things at once
and fail to do anything
with good results will fail badly later on.
The average person who focuses on a goal
or result and puts all his energy into that one point until it is completed,
will do a lot better than the person
who can’t focus on one goal many times over.
Systematic approach
The second characteristic of genius recognized by researchers is
that they all seem to use a systematic approach to problem solving,
investigating problems,
and making decisions.
Especially geniuses who write their thoughts on paper.
No matter how smart they are,
they write everything down
so they can see it in front of them.
The habit of writing down detailed facts makes it possible
for them to think deeply about more complex issues
and go into more detail,
they come up with better
and more workable ideas in a short period of time.
All successful people write their thoughts on paper.
They are constantly writing and rewriting,
making plans back and forth.
The very act of writing your thoughts on paper makes you sharper
and a more creative thinker.
The habit of writing your thoughts on paper makes you a better influence
in whatever you do.
As you gather information,
record it so you can compare it with other notes
and write down your ideas,
your mind’s workings will be much more precise
and clear if you do you try to remember thoughts and information.
Systematic problem solving
An effective way to solve problems
and make decisions includes the following 7 steps:
Step 1. Define the problem clearly by writing it down.
What exactly are you trying to achieve,
avoid getting entangled in,
or maintain?
What is holding you back?
What else could be the problem?
The correct diagnosis is half cured.
Step 2. Make a list of all possible causes for this problem or problem.
How did it happen?
When did it happen?
Where does it happen?
Related to whom?
Examine the problem thoroughly
before you start looking for a solution.
Step 3. Identify all possible solutions to the problem.
What else can you do to solve this problem?
Any other solution?
What if you can’t do anything?
Step 4. Choose what seems to be the best solution to the problem at the moment.
Don’t try to be perfect.
Sometimes a half solution that needs to be done now is better
than a complex solution that may
or may not be possible at a later time.
Step 5. Assign responsibility to a specific person for the problem.
Who exactly will implement the solution?
Step 6. Determine how to measure the success of the solution?
Do you know how effective that solution is?
What measures or standards will you apply?
Step 7. Set a deadline for making this resolution clear
and the achievement of purpose.
Set additional deadlines as needed.
At the deadline,
evaluate progress
and make any decisions necessary to move forward with the solution.
Whatever the systematic problem-solving approach,
it’s better than nothing.
In every area of specialization,
there are systematic methods that are proven to solve problems
and achieve goals in that area.
The more familiar you are with problem-solving methods,
the easier it will be to quickly grasp the best solutions
to deliver the results you desire.
Always have a free mind
The third characteristic of geniuses through the ages is their ability
to always be open-minded about anything.
Having an open mind requires flexibility in how you approach problems.
This requires a willingness to look at any topic
or problem in all different ways.
Mechanical thinking
Studies conducted over the years have divided people into two categories
based on the way they think.
The first group, mechanical thinkers (lack of creativity) are people
who are often rigid and inflexible about their way of thinking.
When they decide on a course of action
or follow a particular opinion,
they can change
or comment on a different approach to solving.
Mechanical thinkers are often fearful,
and easily wavered.
They fear any idea that their preferred way of thinking
and acting is incomplete will threaten them.
They lack self-esteem and confidence.
They keep trying to get it right and get worried
and think about other things.
Adaptive thinking
The second type of people are adaptive thinkers.
These people are always open-minded,
flexible and curious
when faced with new problems or obstacles.
Adaptive thinkers act to keep matters open for as long as possible,
avoiding the instinctive tendency to jump to conclusions
or stagnate discussions and debates.
Adaptive thinkers believe that every problem opens up new information.
They are always willing to consider different possibilities.
From now on,
you should practice being an adaptive thinker.
Always be open-minded and flexible to whatever problem
or difficulty you are facing.
Always start with an acknowledgment
that there might be a better way to do it
or a better solution to the problem.
Einstein once said,
“Every child is born a genius”.
Almost 95% of the children tested showed high creativity by the age of 5.
You were born with the ability
to think unconventional and abstract.
You have an innate creative capacity
to visualize the world in new and imaginative ways.
When you awaken the genius within you,
you will awaken a deep source of ideas
that can help you solve any problem you face
and achieve any goal you set for yourself.
“Choose to deliver amazing service to your customers.
You’ll stand out because they don’t get it anywhere else.” – Kevin Stirtz
There are three main ways to stimulate creative thinking
by having intensely aspirational goals,
pressing problems,
and central questions.
You should use all three of these methods regularly
and consistently to get the ideas you need to achieve your goals.
Intense aspirational goals
Highly aspirational goals are things you really want
and you have a burning desire.
The more intensely you desire to achieve a particular purpose,
the more your subconscious mind will give you the ideas
and insights needed to make it happen.
Many people set goals for themselves
because they think others want them to achieve them.
But if your goals are not something you personally want to achieve,
they will have little capacity or motivation.
This is why it is so important that the goals you set are the ones
you want to achieve yourself.
Urgent issues
Urgent, well-defined problems with specific benefits
to solving them are powerful ways to stimulate your creativity.
The more clearly you appreciate the specific problems
and obstacles holding you back,
the more valuable ideas you will generate to help you solve them.
Focus questions
Focusing questions that pierce through circumstances
or insights often spark problems and ideas
that will lead to breakthroughs in life or work.
“Why do we do it this way?”
“What better way could there be?”
“What is our admission in this situation?”
What if our admission is wrong?
The more questions you ask about your purpose or situation,
the more progressive ideas you can generate.
“Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction,
you must improve.” – Horst Schulz
Here are the different ways you can achieve financial well-being.
Keep a close eye on the books
Buy a spring-loaded notebook.
Always carry with you if you can
and write down every idea that comes
to you throughout the day.
Review this idea often.
Sometimes when you come up with an idea while driving,
sitting somewhere,
reading a book,
watching TV
or in a conversation can all be insight that will lead to the starting point
for the future.
The principle is “Take an idea and write it down”.
If you don’t write it down quickly,
you’ll often skip it.
As the Chinese say,
“The faintest ink is clearer than a good memory”.
Relax and respond
Take regular breaks to relax
and reflect on your goals
and the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving them.
During these breaks,
ideas often pop into your mind that can save you hours,
or years of hard work.
One of the most creative thinking exercises of all is regular alone time.
This is often referred to as “going into silence”.
You sit quietly for 30 to 60 minutes,
and just let your mind flow freely.
In a deserted place,
you intentionally let your mind wander.
Don’t worry about focusing
or thinking about any purpose or problem.
Just relax.
When you are sitting there silently,
deep thoughts and wonderful ideas often pop into your mind.
Magic wand technique
Practice visualization often.
This is sometimes referred to as the “miracle wand technique”.
Imagine you have a magic wand
and you can wave it to work miracles
for the current situation or problem.
by waving this magic wand,
it will dispel any obstacles that stand
between you and your purpose.
How does your situation present itself
if you have achieved your goal?
What would the situation look like if you got there?
Self-assess your wealth.
Make a self-assessment of your current health,
and life that you desire.
Imagine your life being ideal in every way.
Describe it on paper.
Here are the key questions:
“What would have to happen to you to create your ideal lifestyle?”
What would be the first step you have to take right now?
What will the second step look like?
What is the process you will need to go through
to create the ideal life you desire?
Anticipate and remember
Imagine your aim to build a successful business in a particular niche.
Think 3 to 5 years ahead
and imagine you now have a successful business in that area.
What does it look like?
What size is it?
What types of people are you working with?
How is your reputation in the market?
How are your sales and profitability?
How will you continue to conduct this business?
And especially what can you start doing right now
to make this future dream come true?
Fill in the complete sentence
Here’s a creative thinking exercise you can do,
called complete sentence filling.
This is a powerful way to get ideas and insights
that you can immediately use
to achieve your goals faster and easier.
In sentence completion,
you make a (main) clause,
and then you think of as many ways as possible to complete it.
For example, you could say,
“We could double our sales in the next 12 months if we…”
and then complete the sentence.
Or you could say,
“We could double our profits in the next 12 months if we…”
and complete the sentence.
Sometimes you can do this with a group of people.
Each of you can contribute ideas and ways to complete the sentence.
Group problem solving often elicits remarkable thought and insight.
Give a personal answer
On a personal level,
you could start with,
“I could double my income in the next 12 months if I…”
and complete this with 10 or 20 different answers to double your income.
The first time you do this,
you may be amazed at the results you get.
Here are some typical questions you can fill out that can give you answers
that will change your life:
1.“I can achieve my goal if I…”
2· “I could start a business right away if I…”
3.“I can make my business a success if I…”
4.“I can get this over with if I…”
5. “I can get the money I need if I…”
You can practice complete sentences for any problem
or purpose you are dealing with.
Remember that the quality of the ideas you come up
with will be directly proportional
to the number of ideas you come up with.
The more time you spend coming up with constructive solutions
to problems and purposes,
the more ideas you will have throughout the day.
Mind training method for all problems
Perhaps the most powerful method of stimulating creative thinking
is called “mind training”
or the 20-idea method.
More people have become rich,
myself included,
using this idea than any other method
of creative thinking that has ever been discovered.
In fact, in this book what you need to learn the most is this simple method
and if you learn and apply it appropriately,
this one technique alone can make you rich by his own way.
This method is simple.
Take a problem or your purpose
and write it on the top of a piece of paper in the form of a question.
For example,
if your goal is to double your income in the next 12 months,
you would write,
“How can I double my income in the next 12 months?”
You then force yourself to write at least 20 answers to that question.
You can write more than 20 answers if you want,
but you have to train your mind
and use your will to write at least 20 answers.
All beginnings
You will find that the first 3 to 5 answers are quite easy.
The next 3 to 5 answers will be more difficult.
But some answers will end up being downright difficult.
Often your mind becomes blank.
You will sit there looking at the paper
and completely unable
to think of any more answers to that question.
But luckily if you force yourself to stay there
until you’ve written down at least 20 answers,
your creative juices will start to flow.
One by one,
new ideas will arise in
your mind and appear on the paper right in front of you.
Surprisingly, the same final answer,
the 20th answer on that page,
is a breakthrough idea that changes the entire direction of life or work.
From now on, whenever you have a question or problem,
write it at the top of the page in a question form
and force yourself to come up with
at least 20 answers to that question.
Do this for all your purposes.
Do the same with every problem.
Do so with every obstacle or difficulty you face.
Complete this exercise as normally
and as naturally as you would breathing
or brushing your teeth.
The quality and quantity of ideas you will generate using willpower
training will amaze you.
The more often you practice this method,
the faster,
sharper and more creative you will become.
If you do this exercise first thing in the morning,
as soon as you write down your goals,
your mind will flash ideas throughout the day.
In any situation, your mind will be filled with new ideas
and ways to achieve your goals
and solve problems.
Soon people will bring you their problems for your opinion.
Sometimes you will have more ideas than you can implement
or more people can handle.
Use collective wisdom for your way of getting rich
One well-known and powerful method for generating creative ideas
is called “handling” or “manipulating collective wisdom”.
This incredible method involves sitting down with a group
of other people in harmony
to brainstorm ideas to achieve your goals
or solve problems.
When a group of people come together
to focus their minds on an issue or question,
the quality and quantity of answers that arise can be quite surprising.
The key to effectively using collective intelligence
for you is to agree on a definition
of a problem or question first.
Write it on the board or flipchart.
Make sure everyone knows exactly
what the group will focus on and talk about.
You give yourself a certain time limit,
about 15 to 45 minutes.
Agree in advance to not be ridiculed,
criticized or judged.
The goal is to provide an answer
to the question of using collective intelligence
as much as possible in a given amount of time.
You are taking your time.
We gave collective intelligence exercises
to Fortune 500 companies a few years ago.
That group includes senior executives,
mid-level executives,
a number of secretaries and personal assistants.
Each of them sat in their own groups around the round table.
We then gave them a common question
and encouraged them to complete it together
to see which table generated the most ideas
for the collective intelligence question.
At the last 20 minutes,
we stopped the exercise
and counted the answers.
The average number of answers at each table of senior
and middle-level executives was 52 solutions.
But the most surprising thing was that the table of 5 secretaries raised 177 ideas,
most of which were quite good.
In a collective brainstorming session,
you can never tell which group will have more ideas and deep thoughts.
Ask the question “What if… what?”
You can use hypothetical techniques to stimulate your creativity.
By hypothesizing,
you simply raise all the obstacles
and ask “What if… what?”.
For example, you ask,
“What if we do it this way
or stop doing it altogether?”
You ask “Why?” questions,
such as,
“Why are we doing it this way?”
or “If we don’t currently do it this way,
do we have to start this over again?”
Remember that most people get into a state of wanting to take it easy
and keep doing the same things forever without asking,
“Is there a better way?”
Improve your personal life
You can use this hypothetical method in your personal life.
Write a clear description of your ideal lifestyle.
Describe your ideal working environment.
Describe your ideal job or your ideal title.
Describe your ideal income
and ideal relationships with family members.
Then start wondering why you are doing certain things
and why you are not doing other things.
What if you did these things differently
or stopped doing the things you are doing for a long time?
This is an exercise that I have given to many of my students.
I just said,
“If you are unhappy with any role in your life,
take a few minutes to write down exactly
the kind of situation in which you would be happiest.”
As you sit down and start writing a clear description
of your perfect life and future work,
you begin to ask questions,
like “Why am I not interested in this job
or The job is your or this lifestyle?”
You might ask,
“How do I begin to make my current situation more like my ideal situation?”
“What will have to happen to me to start getting closer
to creating the kind of life I want?”
The main reason people don’t get the things they want in life is
because they don’t know how these things work.
If you ask an unhappy person to describe their ideal lifestyle,
in most cases he or she will have no idea.
This is the main reason why he never achieves it.
What would your ideal lifestyle be like?
What would your ideal job
or business be like?
If you could do whatever you want,
live wherever you want,
work with whoever you want,
or do any kind of career,
what would it be?
What will you have to do,
starting today,
to make your dreams and goals come true?
Visualize your ideal goals in as much detail as possible,
as if they were a reality.
The act of visualization not only sparks creative thinking,
but it also activates the law of attraction
and begins to draw into your life the people,
and opportunities
that help you make things happen it becomes a reality.
Plan for the future
as if you were already doing what you wanted to do
and living the life you wanted to live.
Then look back to today and from a vantage point,
imagine the steps you can take,
starting today,
to reach your ideas.
Plan yourself 3 years ahead,
then come back to the present and ask,
“What would I do in my position now to get
where I want to be in 3 years from today?”
List every step you think you can take to start moving in that direction.
Make a list in order of priority
and pick the first thing you can do.
Then force yourself to take an immediate action.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.
“When you serve the customer better,
they always return on your investment.” – Kara Parlin
Once you’ve come up with different ideas you can use to solve your problems
and achieve your goals,
the next step is to evaluate them before spending time,
money, and effort into implementing them.
You have to sit down to review the ideas
you’ve raised and categorize them,
selecting the good ones and discarding the ones
that don’t have much value.
Most ideas are unrealistic
or worthwhile,
at least in their original form.
Ideas by themselves are of little value.
That’s why we have to insist on constant creativity
and coming up with lots of ideas.
Most of them won’t work.
Ideas may not be valuable
Once you’ve come up with an idea that you consider valuable,
there are three things you must remember.
First, the content and the ideas themselves have no value.
They are just the starting point of the creative process.
As Thomas Edison said,
“Genius is 1% genius and 99% perspiration”.
When you come up with a good idea,
then the real work has just begun.
Always stay objective
Second, always be objective about your ideas.
Ask other knowledgeable people
for their opinions and listen with an open mind.
Don’t make the mistake of falling in love
with the idea just because it’s yours,
and then putting all your energy into it.
Be prepared to take responsibility for your idea,
no matter how much you like it,
it may not work.
Let them be quiet
Third, let your ideas sit for a while before you start moving forward.
Sometimes an idea that seems brilliant today loses most of its appeal
or appeal after three days.
Practice remaining silent and responsive.
Find a quiet place for an hour and ponder the idea.
Try to look at it calmly and without letting your emotions take over.
Please be patient.
Quick business decisions are often the wrong ones.
Ask the right questions
Here are some questions you can ask
to determine if your idea is the right one.
1· Is it effective?
2· Will it progress?
3· Will it work for the job?
Is it strong enough to make a meaningful difference?
4· Does it have enough capacity?
5· Is it an improvement on what many people are currently using?
6. Can people use it without changing their basic attitudes?
The investment in the idea is certainly a significant improvement
over what has already been done.
Also, a key problem many business owners face is
that they think customers will change their attitudes to use a new product
or service just because it’s better or cheaper.
This is a rare case.
How do people buy?
Not too long ago,
there were business owners
who predicted that in the near future people would shop
for groceries over the Internet, TV, or phone.
But there are very few people who buy groceries in such a way
Why? Because people actually like to go to grocery stores
and see for themselves the different foods available there before buying.
They won’t have to change their attitudes completely
and give up the pleasure of shopping
to order over the phone or the Internet.
If a new product or service causes people
to drastically change the way they do things
and their buying habits,
or requires it,
it rarely succeeds.
How intense do you want it to be?
Here’s another question:
Does this idea fit your purposes?
How intense do you want it to be?
Many times,
you arrive at an idea that may be in a field
that doesn’t interest you.
Can you develop a passion
for this idea or this product or service?
Remember that any business you start is an extension
of your own personality.
It is an extension of your beliefs,
and aspirations.
Therefore, the idea is only useful
if you can become passionate about it
and then attract other people to be passionate about it as well.
Ask important questions
Here are some additional questions you can ask
before you start working on a new idea:
1. Is it trendy?
2· Is it practical now?
3. Will it still be practical when it is completed?
4· Is this idea viable?
5· Could it have been done?
6· If it could have been done,
is it worth it to proceed?
7· Is it simple?
The last question is often the most important of all.
Simplicity is essential for a successful initiative.
Basically all successful new ideas are pretty simple.
If it’s not simple,
it probably won’t work.
It should be easy to explain,
easy to sell,
easy to understand and easy to use.
The more steps it has to go through,
the more complicated it becomes
and the less likely it will succeed.
Perhaps the most important point of all is to remember
that for every obstacle
or problem that comes between you
and your goal of becoming rich
and financially independent,
there is a solution waiting to be found. out.
Your success in life will be directly proportional
to how effectively you use your creative imagination
to achieve your goals and solve your problems.
your imagination is like a muscle that grows in capacity
when it is used and practiced.
The more you spark your creativity,
the more alert,
and intelligent you become.
Be active,
start using your creative imagination today.
“Sales without customer service is
like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes.” – David Tooman
1. Focus questions stimulate your mind
and stimulate your creativity.
Decide on a purpose,
then ask yourself,
“Why am I not ready for this?”
What is the main reason?
2. Identify the biggest obstacle between yourself
and your goal of financial independence.
Train your mind on this problem by stating it as a question,
and then develop 20 answers to that question.
3. Take a product or service that you want to offer
or you are having trouble with
and analyze it by asking some of the questions listed in this chapter.
Make sure your product or service is viable,
and potentially profitable.
4. Practice collective wisdom
with your collaborators and your family.
Agree on a definition of a problem or obstacle,
and then challenge yourself to create
as many different ways of solving it as possible
for 15 to 45 minutes.
5. Practice being alone often.
Find a quiet place to sit and let your mind drift and relax.
Get ready for a flash of intuition that gives you insights
and ideas to achieve your goals.
6. Imagine how your approach to a particular problem could be completely wrong
or the way you are pursuing a goal would not be right.
If you are wrong,
how will you have to perform a series of other operations?
7. Write over and over again your goals
that you can make as clear as possible.
This exercise has an uncanny effect on stimulating your creativity
and revealing your inner genius.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
The imagination goes around the world.” – Albert Einstein