You will succeed even if others do not believe in you, but it is hard to succeed if you don’t believe in yourself. — John Tyler.
Who is John Tyler ? John Tyler(March 29, 1790 – January 18, 1862) was the tenth president of the United States, serving from 1841 to 1845 after briefly holding office as the tenth vice president in 1841; he was elected vice president on the 1840 Whig ticket with President William Henry Harrison.
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Here is famous John Tyler quotes collection
1. Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality. — John Tyler
2. So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations. — John Tyler.
3. I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free. — John Tyler
4. I can never consent to being dictated to. — John Tyler
5. Patronage is the sword and cannon by which war may be made on the liberty of the human race. — John Tyler
6. The institutions under which we live, my countrymen, secure each person in the perfect enjoyment of all his rights. — John Tyler
7. Liberty and equality are captivating sounds, but they often captivate to destroy. — John Tyler
8. It was hard graft all the way and a good result in the end. — John Tyler
9. A republican government can only be supported by virtue; and the end of all our legislation should be to encourage our fellow citizens in its daily practice. — John Tyler
10. Our wise men flattered us into the adoption of the banking system under the idea that boundless wealth would result from the adoption. — John Tyler
11. Parties are continually changing. The men of today give place to the men of tomorrow, and the idols which one set worship, the next destroy. — John Tyler
12. When the happy era shall arrive for the emancipation of nations, hastened on as it will be by the example of America, shall they not resort to the Declaration of our Independence as the charter of their rights, and will not its author be hailed as the benefactor of the redeemed? — John Tyler
13. If we find ourselves increasing beyond example in numbers, in strength, in wealth, in knowledge, in everything which promotes human and social happiness, let us ever remember our dependence for all these on the protection and merciful dispensations of Divine Providence. — John Tyler
14. If the tide of defamation and abuse shall turn, and my administration come to be praised, future Vice-Presidents who may succeed to the Presidency may feel some slight encouragement to pursue an independent course. — John Tyler
15. Everything dependent on human action is liable to abuse. — John Tyler
16. The United States have adventured upon a great and noble experiment, which is believed to have been hazarded in the absence of all previous precedent – that of total separation of Church and State. No religious establishment by law exists among us. The conscience is left free from all restraint and each is permitted to worship his Maker after his own judgement. — John Tyler
17. I can never consent to being dictated to as to what I shall or shall not do. I, as President, shall be responsible for my administration. I hope to have your hearty co-operation in carrying out its measures. So long as you see fit to do this, I shall be glad to have you with me. When you think otherwise, your resignations will be accepted. — John Tyler
18. Let it, then, be henceforth proclaimed to the world, that man’s conscience was created free; that he is no longer accountable to his fellow man for his religious opinions, being responsible therefore only to his God. — John Tyler
19. In 1840 I was called from my farm to undertake the administration of public affairs and I foresaw that I was called to a bed of thorns. I now leave that bed which has afforded me little rest, and eagerly seek repose in the quiet enjoyments of rural life. — John Tyler
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20. The great truth that government was made for the people and not the people for government has already been established in the practice and by the example of these United States, and we can do no other than contemplate its further exemplification by a sister republic with the deepest interest. — John Tyler
21. The future depends on what you do today. ― Mahatma Gandhi
22. A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. ― Mahatma Gandhi
23. I am a thorough believer in the American test of character. He will not build high who does not build for himself. — Benjamin Harrison
24. The important thing is the family. If you can keep the family together and that’s the backbone of our whole business, catering to families that’s what we hope to do. ― Walt Disney
25. Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.― Bertrand Russell
26. Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. — John Quincy Adams