Law of Attraction: Supreme Secret!
Chapter 1: Make dream come true
Almost all rich people are professional great promotion. – T. Harv Eker
The Secret teaches you that if you want something,
you must follow the three step creation process of asking,
and receiving.
You need to ask for the universe to know what you want.
Then you need to trust
that your request has been conveyed,
and the last and most important step is acceptance,
which means that you must elicit all the bright,
satisfying emotions.
Pray and rejoice just like
when your wish has really come true.
Of these three steps of the Creative Process,
the one that is the biggest hindrance that makes it difficult
for anyone to apply the Secret of Success,
is the third step.
Most people have no trouble asking and believing,
but the way you Accept it right
or wrong makes the difference between success
and failure in everything:
finances ,
or any area where you want to improve in your life.
The requirement is to define a clear purpose.
This is the process
by which you inculcate what you want into your mind.
Once you shape your purpose,
you will no longer beg for favors
from a saint or almighty being.
We made the universe,
the universe did not make us.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
If you are in deep dreamless sleep
and none of your senses are active,
it is as if your universe has ceased to exist.
Everything around us that we can see
or touch is real only
when they are still connected
to some of our senses.
Different animals with different levels
of perception will have countless different perspectives on the world.
For example, scientists have shown that,
while we humans are fascinated by the beauty
of a colorful flower garden
bees can see a broader spectrum of light,
and Thus,
the very color or outline of the flowers
that we cannot see functions as a map
to guide the finders to pollen and nectar.
“The more we focus on a definite purpose,
the more we can make use of the multitude
of events in space-time to achieve the results we want.” – Deepak Chopra
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
The second step of the Creative Process is Trust.
Trust is what you need to have in this step.
Having faith means
that you must realize the value of what you have asked for,
truly feel that it will satisfy you,
and be certain that you will receive it.
This will help you better focus on your goals
and bring you closer to the finish line.
Belief gives you the ability to devote your
whole being to a single thing,
and it becomes the power of trust.
Believe in yourself.
Confidence is the essence of Buddhism
and its power cannot be overestimated.
Few requirements and lack of trust will make
it difficult for you to succeed.
Maybe you believe you got what you wanted,
but maybe you missed the feeling
when you reached your goal.
For example, making more money is your goal
and you believe you have made more money than you really are,
but these feelings will be nothing compared
to the overwhelming feeling you would have
if someone suddenly hands you a suitcase full
of large denominations.
The ability to focus these emotions will determine the third step,
With this final step,
you will imprint in your mind what
we often call an emotional mental image of
when you achieve your goal with all the appreciation
and joy that will flow with you,
this real event.
So it’s important to realize that
the creative process doesn’t simply involve thought,
but also requires emotions to work at different levels.
It requires the power of emotional psychological images.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
Whether dreams come true in your life depends
on how clear the message you send into the universe is,
what emotional psychological image you create.
These images, the vibrations and emotions that drive them,
will determine how the Law of Attraction
becomes a reality in your life.
If you can conjure up clear images in your head
and infuse your feelings of depth and intensity,
the desire to achieve your goals,
you greatly increase your chances of making your dreams come true.
Anyone can imagine themselves achieving a goal
or getting something that they have long wanted.
For example,
when you think of a dream car,
you can immediately call to mind its specific image.
What makes the difference between a dream come true
and a dream come true,
putting you in the driver’s seat of your dream car
is your ability to infuse emotions into these psychological images.
The brighter and more emotional that image is in your head,
the clearer it will be until it’s really funny emerge in your life.
All mammals pigs, dogs, monkeys
or humans have psychological images.
What sets us apart from other species is our ability
to infuse emotions into these images.
Other mammals lack the imagination
and thinking capacity to do so.
We often think that imagination is just a work on
the same level of thinking as the brain,
but when we add to those imaginations emotional levels,
we take it to a higher level of awareness.
At this level, they give us energy so powerful
that we can achieve anything we desire.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Cherry Nguyen
Most of us distinguish between the images
we hold of the past (memories)
and the stories we imagine.
We always think memories are real
and other stories are just virtual.
But if we look more deeply,
we will realize that they are actually the same thing.
Neuroscientists assert
that we cannot distinguish between memories
and images produced without direct contact
with one of the five senses.
The only difference
between these two types of images is their clarity.
If you can create a clear mental picture,
emotions will come into play
and ideas will go from mere fantasy to reality.
Many experiments have proven
that simply imagining an experience has as strong an effect on our brains
as when we actually perform it;
In both of these cases, the brain responds
by making neural connections in response to stimuli.
The brain does not distinguish between memories or imagination.
When we imagine something regularly,
that thought strengthens
and we begin to perform a process
that is fundamentally different from what we had expected.
Instead of experiencing these emotions through the five senses
and then translating them into input
for psychological images,
we start right away with psychological images
and then project them into the world,
and turn them into reality.
The Buddha taught “dependent origination”
to explain the cause,
and effect relationship in the endless reincarnation
of people in the cycle of life.
When a certain connection is made,
the outside world is perceived through the doors of the senses,
the eyes to see,
the nose to smell.
Once there is this connection,
the feelings are pleasant or unpleasant or neutral,
nature will appear in us.
Aspirations will also arise in response to these emotions
The reverse sequence would be this:
Desire ⇒ Emotion ⇒ Contact ⇒ Sense perceives the outside world.
Aspirations and emotions in this cycle will create a picture in our head.
When this painting reaches a sufficiently high energy level,
it will appear,
our five senses will relate
to the embodiment of this image
in a way that suits our aspiration.
By creating a clear picture
of the future with emotions as strong
and clear as the images of the past,
you will be able to make them come true.
When these images become part
of your higher consciousness,
what some like to call spiritual self-esteem,
you can really begin to forge your future.
According to quantum theorists,
there are an infinite number of possible futures
but only one will come.
It means that the future you will experience depends entirely
on the images in your head
because you are the only one
who has the power to create your own destiny.
Most people have had experiences
with hallucinatory memories.
Although we know for sure
that this is the first time we meet this person,
come to this place or be in this situation,
we feel like we have met before.
If we look at illusory memories
through the lens of the Law of Attraction,
we will understand
that this reality must have been created by our own thoughts.
This often happens in dreams,
when we watch TV or read books,
when our minds are open
and unconsciously accepting information,
these mental images can enter our heads,
and then maybe we’ll see each other again in the future.
Psychedelic memories are actually just representations
of these images from our unconscious mind.
If we pay attention to these mental pictures
and find ways to clarify the images in our heads,
we will bring them from the depths of the unconscious
to the surface of the everyday world.
Some people have what we call a “hunch”:
images in their heads of an event that later become reality.
But in fact,
it is only a psychological image that is realized.
So don’t be surprised if a future event,
once locked in our minds
as a psychological image,
becomes reality at the right time.
If you’ve ever experienced a hallucinatory memory,
you’ve also had a mental image in your head in the form
of a premonition that you don’t know tires this month.
Next month,
I will buy wheels
and next month will be shock absorbers.
In about two years,
I’ll have the whole car.”
It may sound ridiculous,
but by visualizing your dream like this,
your friend increases her chances
of having her dream in real life.
Whether that dream comes true
or not depends on the stability
and solidity of the image in his mind.
If that picture is unshakable,
he will surely have his car.
When children play with puzzles,
build models or similar activities,
children often have an emotional mental image
of the final destination
and they automatically think from that goal back
to each correct action to get it.
You can also practice creating emotional images of yourself,
and the easiest way to do that is to engage in activities
where the end goal is clear in your mind from the start.
You may wonder:
what if what you asked for could not come true according
to the laws of nature?
For example, you keep an image in your mind
that you are flying in the sky
with the wings of a bird.
Letting go of this fantasy,
if a mental image is strong enough,
the nerves will exchange positive messages.
It will manifest in your creative thinking and a seemingly funny
or utopian concept will become a reality.
Airplanes were born precisely this way:
people imagine that they can fly like birds.
In times of war,
every soldier wants to be a winner.
However, it is important to distinguish clearly
between feeling like winning
and feeling confident that one will win.
In sports,
when underdogs host a team that has never been defeated,
there will be thousands of people in the stands cheering
them on despite the odds,
giving the away team their first taste of defeat.
If thought has the power of attraction,
how can we explain it if the home team is defeated?
What has been missed here is the true belief
of the fans that their team will win.
Many of their fans prayed
and asked some supernatural force
to give their team victory,
and then thought that this victory was just a miracle of life.
They don’t really trust that their end goal will be recognized.
There are many times on the pitch
where the underdog is the winner
and the key to this difference has always been faith.
In 1980, the US Hockey Olympic Team drew lots
in the same group as Russia.
Many were surprised
when the United States won one half of the match,
and most analysts at the time were certain
that Russia was the winner.
The US team is almost full of young amateur faces
and when Russia pounded them 10-1 in the previous friendly,
the defeat of the US team was undisputed.
Trust makes the difference.
While the Russian coach chose to let the team rest
before the match,
the US coach put his players in intense practice.
They are inspired and realize every little piece of their puzzle;
they defeated the Russian team
and won the gold medal.
If your beliefs are unshakable,
you won’t care what obstacles your opponent’s stature can cause you.
You may wonder whether your belief leads you to success
or the knowledge that you will win leads you to it.
The answer remains the same,
in a football match,
the team that scored first
but still worked hard for the victory will still have the belief
that they will win.
If that’s not the case, maybe it’s
because they’ve given up on their goal because anyway,
losing is still losing regardless of the score.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
All the best actors in the world know the Secret,
at least in their field of activity.
They close their eyes and imagine the character
they will play in the movie.
Oscar-winning actor Daniel Day Lewis is an example.
He has a deep understanding of The Secret
and uses it in his films.
In 1989, while acting in the film My Left Foot,
which earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor,
he played a paralyzed man so deeply
that he refused to play the middle shots,
had people carry him from shot to shot and in the end,
he broke two ribs while hunched over in a wheelchair
for post-production.
It’s not just actors who understand The Secret.
All talented people in different fields understand but often,
they see their success as a gift from their superiors and as such,
they can never explain their success
by themselves to others.
Talented screenwriters think in pictures.
They create perfect images then script is based on that.
The true creative genius will see the film as a
whole and then begin to make it a reality.
With this in mind,
they can surprise and captivate audiences.
Apply this method to your life.
You are writing the script of your life.
You can create an amazing life
as screenwriters link imaginative details
to a script by first understanding your definite goals
and then completely trusting your execution,
its perfection.
Equip it with unshakably coherent images,
and then outline the main ideas of how to achieve your goals,
success will manifest itself as it is made in the scripts.
People around will be amazed at your success.
It all comes down to creating images
of the future in your mind
and using them as the stage for the stages of your life.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Cherry Nguyen
Usually when we read a book
or watch a movie,
we don’t dare to see the ending first that’s absolutely taboo.
This instinct is buried in our unconscious,
and so we don’t think clearly about the ending chapters compared
to other parts of our lives.
But the truth is that the end of a life is not the same
as the end of a movie or a story.
The authors have predestined their endings
and we are writing and starring in our life stories.
So the scenes in your life can end however you want.
You can pre-choose an ending for it and then go back from
there and make it come true like the great writers did.
Give yourself a happy ending
and then write each part of the script
that leads to that reality.
“Just looking and not seeing is horrible.”-Helen Keller
When a director edits,
they shoot scenes in different processes
within the same texture layer of the script.
Sometimes, the last scenes are shot first
because the director can see the
whole scene more clearly through his mind’s eye.
Each single shot then contained the power of vision actors fail
to convey the director’s vision in a certain scene,
the director will shout “cut” and turn around
until the emotional symbol in his head becomes a reality.
Each scene in the director’s head is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle
that is slowly put together
to bring to life what he envisioned.
Before the Microsoft Windows operating system,
operating a computer was a tedious job.
You only need to know the single statements
to go from the first step to the last step.
Bill Gates saw this weakness
and imagined a more user-friendly interface.
Led by an emotional psychological image,
Gates set out to create.
He went from the end to the beginning of his work
and revolutionized the personal computer users.
When Gates was developing Windows,
there were many more talented software developers than him,
but he broke away from them
and ended up becoming one of the richest people on the planet
by turning the pyramid upside down:
thinking from the end to the beginning.
Starting with the last solution in mind
and not worrying about how will make things easier.
Imagine the following scenario.
A ship, because it was too tall,
got stuck under a bridge.
The captain telegraphed the local staff
and a team of engineers with all the latest equipment was dispatched.
Engineers are very confused by this problem.
Hours passed and still there was no solution
to get the ship across the bridge.
When they were about to give up,
a boy who had seen the whole scene
from the beginning commented:
“Why don’t we put more weight on the ship
so it sinks deeper into the water?”
The boy had an emotional image in his mind
of the train passing easily over the bridge,
and the solution to the problem naturally appearing in a very simple way.
A lot of inventions have come about
because of the ability to see the results first:
cars with automatic transmissions,
automatic weapons,
video games, and all the machines that changed
from steam engines to engines jet engine.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
Marketing and advertising professionals understand
very well the power of emotional imagery
and mental images.
This has been confirmed by many strong brands.
Leaders of business companies know
that their success is tied to their ability to build
and brand their products and products
in the minds of their customers.
Coke is a prime example,
a short name
that even with billions of dollars you can’t buy Coca-Cola.
Coke is a word associated with the image
that has been deeply imprinted in the unconscious
of customers around the world.
Companies with strong brands
that strictly protect their image.
For example, a professional car manufacturer would have
to recall tens of thousands of cars
if a small defect was discovered in a new model.
The company’s image is in jeopardy,
so they are willing to pay hundreds of millions
to fix this seemingly small problem.
Companies also build relationships
with customers through their slogans.
A bank with the slogan “one customer at a time”
will give a small customer a feeling
that they are important
and when they succeed later,
they will feel that this bank also plays a part
for their success
and continue to be a loyal customer.
In the same way,
a politician will come up
with his campaign slogan:
“A name you can trust”
because they know how powerful a word is once it’s attached,
closely tied to the public mind.
Psychologists have proven the power of words
to create dramatic images
that extend far beyond business and politics;
even the psychological images attached
to a person’s name can cause intense resonance.
Someone with a common name,
like John Smith,
will have a very different life from someone named River Storm,
for example: the power to create psychological images
of names is especially strong
when it evokes memories of people we love or admire.
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
Everything created in this world comes
from the vivid imagination
of man’s childhood.
Architects build houses exactly as they see in their minds.
Car manufacturers design cars to suit the needs of customers
based on their imagination and creativity.
The designer will first create samples
that are comparable in size to the actual product
so that colleagues get a clear view
of the image that comes to their mind.
We can change anything in our lives
to be the way we want it to be.
From now on, create a picture of the house
you want to live in 10 years from now
and the car you want to own.
Trust those images and imagine them over
and over again with conviction in their power.
These images will get sharper and sharper
until they penetrate your unconscious.
The rest will happen automatically.
In 10 years, you will have the house
and car of your dreams, real ownership.
“If you don’t have a bit of an imagination of what you want,
you’ll never get it.”- John lennon
We often think of money as God.
We believe that money has the extraordinary power
to make all dreams come true.
The truth is that “God” is our mind,
the power of our own mind is much greater than money.
Your thoughts are the real creative force in your life.
It can give you what money can never buy like love,
Money can buy you the house and car of your dreams,
but thinking can do more.
Thinking not only helps you get both of those things,
but also infuses them with love and warmth.
Someone once asked Henry Ford if there was an afterlife,
would he want to be rich.
He replied that if there was an afterlife,
he didn’t care if he was born in silk or not.
He said he just wanted a wife like his wife.
Henry Ford’s wife played a very important role in his success.
Whenever he became depressed,
his wife would help him focus on the image of success in his mind.
He understood that if she was with him again,
success would come naturally to him.
Moreover, he loved her so sincerely
and deeply that he realized that without her,
he might still be rich,
but what value would his life be
without this great love in his life!
Everyone who has had a successful life realizes this.
If you ask them whether they will choose
between the power of thought or money
or wealth in the next life,
they will all choose the power of thought.
They understand
that with this power they can achieve anything they want.
On the other hand,
if they are rich and affluent
but one does not have these understandings,
the money will soon disappear
and they will not be able to earn it again.
Children are taught the “value of money”
from an early age of two or three,
but the power of thought,
a power that works much more strongly
to make dreams come true is forgotten again.
In fact, even most adults don’t quite understand the Secret.
The reason why people like money is
because they think that what can’t be bought
with money can be bought with a lot of money.
Only a few people realize that thinking loudness
and inspiration can bring more
to their lives than anything money can buy.
These people understood the Secret
and they became wealthy.
This is not by luck or fate,
they are rich by their thoughts.
Chapter 1: Top Secrets
I am wife of self-made millionaire. – Aysa Angel
Understand the Creative Process properly
and clearly and your potential for success will increase dramatically:
Request by stating a clear intention,
without requiring any external resources.
Trust means having unwavering faith in the process and in yourself.
Embracing means conjuring up emotional mental images,
energizing your mental images
by seeing your purpose with a sense of triumph.
Winners are those who believe they will win.
If you completely believe in something
and want it to happen in your life, it will.
Setting a clear goal is like writing a script for your life.
Focus your mind on the goals and the end result,
and then slowly analyze
and find a way back to the essential points
that will lead to the end.
See the whole path and believe in yourself.
Everything that man creates in this material world
is thanks to his imagination.
As a picture becomes more and more clear,
it automatically turns into reality.
When you can create mental images of your future
that are as clear as the memories you have experienced in the past,
you will be able to bring those images into your real future.
Creating emotional psychological images
is the process of “receiving” as in the book The Secret said.
If you can fully anticipate happiness,
and peace or any other emotion
that will come when you achieve your dreams,
then your intentions you have no choice
but to be a reality in your life.
Names and slogans create special effects on the people who choose,
and hear them.
Why? Because emotional images are automatically associated
with the words that appear in their minds.
Insert emotional psychological images into your thoughts.
The clearer they are,
the more you believe,
the easier it will be for you to realize your dreams.
You can practice creating emotional images.
You can play with them freely
but you have to connect
with your emotions and accept
to see them come and go.
We will discuss this in more depth in later chapters.
It seems that some people’s prayers are answered more often than others.
Not because they are blessed by a certain superior,
but because they are talented creators of emotional images.
That is the Law of Attraction that works.
The number one reason people don’t get
what they want is
because they don’t know what they really want. – T. Harv Eker