Brian Tracy! Goal!
Chapter 10: Remove Obstacles
Anyone interested in success must learn to see failure as an inevitable
and positive part of the process of reaching the top. — Joyce Brothers
How many times do you think each person needs to try
to achieve their goals before giving up?
On average less than 1 time.
Most people give up before trying for the first time.
And the reason they give up is
because of all the obstacles, difficulties,
problems and hindrances that pop up
as soon as they decide to do something completely new.
The truth is that successful people fail more often than the average person,
even compared to those who fail frequently.
Successful people always find ways
to try more working with different times,
failing, standing up for themselves,
and trying again and again, over and over again,
before they finally win.
Meanwhile, unsuccessful people try only a few things
or don’t dare to try anything
and quickly want to go back to the familiar things they used to do before.
Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. — Samuel Johnson
You should be prepared for the possibility of failure
and repeated setbacks before reaching your goals.
You should consider failure
and immediate obstacles as part of the price
you must pay on the road to the success
that you will inevitably achieve sooner or later.
Henry Ford once said,
“Failure is merely an opportunity to start again more intelligently.”
Once you’re ready,
decide on your goal and answer the question:
Why haven’t I achieved it yet?
What is holding you back?
How far is the current gap between me and my goal?
Identify all the obstacles that arise
between your current position and your goals.
Write down every detail, no matter how small,
that you can think of if they are holding you back
or holding you back from moving forward.
The best way to become confident is to tackle what you’re scared of. — Aysa Angel
“You will become what you think about most often.”
In the process of dealing with difficulties and obstacles,
successful people have a special way of thinking that we call “solution-oriented”.
Successful people often think about solutions,
while other less successful people often think about difficulties and obstacles.
Solution-oriented people are always looking for ways
to overcome, circumvent,
or remove obstacles that stand in their way.
And losers are always thinking about their problems,
who or what caused them,
how upset or angry they feel,
the unlucky they have to endure…
based on “solution orientation” we simply answer the question:
How can we solve this problem?
And then take action to fix the problem.
There will always be some struggle
between you and whatever goal you want to accomplish.
This is why success is sometimes defined
as the ability to solve problems.
Personal leadership is problem solving.
So is efficiency.
All those who have achieved success
The great ones are those who have developed the ability
to solve the problems that arise between them and their goals.
A man who is a master of patience is a master of everything else. ― George Savile
Luckily, problem-solving is a skill,
just like riding a bike or typing, meaning you can practice.
The more you focus on solutions,
the more and better solutions will come to you.
The better you are at understanding the situation,
the faster you will be able to deal with problems that arise.
As you solve problems faster and more effectively,
you will gradually get used to and be able to tackle bigger problems.
The truth is that you are capable of solving any problem
or overcoming any obstacle on the way to your goal,
if your desire is strong enough.
You have the inner intelligence
and ability needed to overcome any difficulty.
The most valuable lessons in life cannot be taught,
they must be experienced. ― Liam Payne
One of the most important breakthroughs in human thinking over
the past few decades is described by Eliyahu Goldratt in his book The Goal
as “the binding theory”.
This theory holds that between you
and whatever you want to accomplish there is always a bond,
or limiting factor, that can determine the outcome you want.
For example, if you are driving on a freeway
and road construction has narrowed the road surface,
all vehicles must travel in a single lane,
then this bottleneck becomes a constraint about the speed of your vehicle,
and largely determines the speed of the whole journey.
When accomplishing any great goal,
there will always be constraints or bottlenecks that you must overcome.
Your job is to identify it correctly,
then focus all your efforts on relieving that key constraint.
This ability to handle the limiting factor
can help you move forward faster than anything else.
RULE 80/20
Your greatest asset is your earning ability.
Your greatest resource is your time. ― Brian Tracy
The 80/20 rule also applies to the ties between you and your goals.
In this rule, 80% of your constraints come from within yourself.
Only 20% of constraints are external,
dictated by other people and situations.
In other words,
you yourself are a big obstacle,
deciding speed the degree
to which you can achieve any goal you have set for yourself.
For most people,
this is hard to accept.
But successful people are often more concerned
with what’s right than who’s right.
Successful people are more concerned with the truth of the situation
and what they can do to solve the problem
than they are with protecting their ego.
Don’t Just.
Don’t just learn, experience.
Don’t just read, absorb.
Don’t just change, transform.
Don’t just relate, advocate.
Don’t just promise, prove.
Don’t just criticize, encourage.
Don’t just think, ponder.
Don’t just take, give.
Don’t just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don’t just hear, listen.
Don’t just talk, act.
Don’t just tell, show.
Don’t just exist, live. ― Roy T. Bennett
Ask yourself: What is inside me that is holding me back?
Look deep within yourself
and identify important ties in your personality,
or experience.
Maybe they are preventing you from reaching your goals.
Ask and be honest with yourself.
The main obstacles between you
and your goals are often mental.
They are psychological and emotional.
And you have to start dealing with these very mental blocks
if you want to achieve everything in your power.
Write in your heart that every day is the best day of the year. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
The two great obstacles to success are fear and suspicion.
First of all, all the fears:
fear of failure,
fear of poverty,
fear of loss,
ear of shame,
fear of rejection…
can make you hesitate,
not dare to try any opportunity right from the thought. initial.
That is why it is often difficult for people to achieve a new goal.
As soon as they think of their goal,
these fears flood their minds,
and completely quench their desire like a bucket of water on a small fire.
The second mental obstacle,
also related to fear,
is doubt about one’s own abilities.
We often compare ourselves against others
and think that others are better, smarter,
and more capable than we are.
We often think, “I’m not that good”.
We think we are incompetent
and low-level while the challenges are too great.
If you invest nothing,
the reward is worth little. ― Richelle E. Goodrich
Fortunately, you can put aside both doubt and fear.
The higher your level of courage and confidence,
the lower your level of fear and doubt,
and the less impact these negative emotions
will have on your performance and behavior.
One way that you can increase your courage
and confidence is through knowledge and skills power.
Most fear and doubt arise from ignorance and a feeling of incompetence.
When you learn the many things needed to achieve your goals,
you will feel less fear and more courage and confidence.
It’s like learning to drive for the first time.
You will probably feel extremely stressed
and anxious and will make a lot of mistakes.
You can start off wobbly
and become a danger to yourself and others.
But over time,
as you have mastered the knowledge and skills of driving,
you will become more proficient and your confidence will increase.
Every experience in your life is being orchestrated to teach you something
you need to know to move forward. ― Brian Tracy
Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania has spent 25 years researching
what he calls “self-helplessness”.
What Seligman concludes after interviewing
and tracking the attitudes of thousands of people is that
more than 80% of the population suffers from this condition to some degree,
and sometimes they are at a very high level.
People with self-reliance often feel inadequate
to achieve their goals or improve their own lives.
The most common manifestation of helplessness
is expressed by the phrase “I can’t”.
Whenever a victim of
When the above situation receives a new opportunity,
ability or goal, they immediately respond with “I can’t”.
After that, they continued to find all sorts of excuses
to avoid participating in those plans.
“I couldn’t move forward in my career.
I couldn’t get a better job.
I can’t take the time to study.
I can’t save money.
I can’t lose weight.
I can’t start a business.
I can’t find another job to earn extra income.
I cannot change or improve my relationships.
I can’t control my time.”
When they think and speak like that,
they close the door to their own potential.
It short-circuits any effort
or desire to set a new goal or change things in any way.
A famous quote by Henry Ford is:
“Whether you believe you can
or can’t do something, you are right.”
With confidence,
you have won before you have started. — Marcus Garvey
Helplessness arises from destructive criticism in childhood,
negative experiences in adulthood,
and other failures.
When entered life.
The way for you overcome the natural tendency of looking down
on yourself to set small goals,
make plans, and strive to accomplish them every day.
In this way, you will gradually develop courage and confidence.
When you are confident in yourself and your abilities,
you can set other,
bigger goals.
Over time, your fears and doubts will decrease,
your courage
and confidence will increase
and become the driving force behind your thinking.
If you don’t know where you want to go,
then it doesn’t matter which path you take. — Steve Jobs
The next mental obstacle you need to overcome is the “comfort zone”.
Many people have fallen into complacency with their current circumstances.
They feel so satisfied with their jobs,
and financial situation that they don’t want to make any changes,
even those that make them better.
The “comfort zone” is a huge obstacle to ambitions,
and success.
When this happens at the same time as self-helplessness,
there is almost no way to promote self-improvement.
Don’t let this happen to you.
Goals are like magnets.
They’ll attract the things that make them come true. ― Tony Robbins
The only way you can avoid the “comfort zone”
and helplessness is to set big,
challenging goals.
Break these goals down into specific tasks,
set deadlines,
and work hard to achieve them.
Like icebergs that break
when spring arrives,
the stagnation and lethargy caused by helplessness
and the “comfort zone” will soon be broken.
You begin to progress faster,
accelerating in action to accomplish the goals within your power.
You can never cross the ocean
unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. ― Christopher Columbus
Once you’ve made a list of the obstacles that
stand in the way of achieving your great goals,
organize them in order of priority.
What is the biggest obstacle?
If given the choice to remove one major obstacle from your journey, what would it be?
Management consultant Ian Mitroff has made some very interesting observations
regarding problem solving
and obstacle removal.
“Whatever the problem is,
define it in a few different ways before you decide to try to solve it,”
he says.
Let’s attention to any problem that
has only one definition, or only one solution.”
When you ask a question related to your goal:
“Why haven’t I reached it yet?”,
what answer comes to mind?
What is stopping you?
It is at this point that you must scrutinize
to pinpoint the obstacle before taking steps to remove them.
When you have confidence,
you can do anything. — Sloane Stevens
This is the process of finding solutions to our problems
by asking and answering relevant questions.
For businesses, we often start with the goal of doubling profits with the question:
“Why isn’t my profit,
or my income,
twice as high as it is now?”.
By repeating this question over and over,
we will gradually find a clear and true answer to our reality.
The following is an example of a question and answer process:
– “We did not reach our sales target”.
What solution do we need to solve this problem?
Ignore sales target, take care cash flow and profit margin.
– “The sales per employee are not large enough
when calculating the average per customer”.
Are there any other solutions we haven’t thought of yet?
Train sale teams, increase their incentive
– “Their advertising does not attract enough customers”.
What else can solve this problem?
Ignore advertising, audit to customer service
And as you can see, any obstacle that
is clearly presented has a completely different course of action to deal with.
If we don’t hit our sales target,
our solution is to increase the number of orders.
If the sales per customer is not large enough,
our solution is to increase the order size per customer.
If our ads don’t attract enough customers,
our solution is to improve the quality of our ads in some way.
Goals are dreams brought to life. ― Amy Leigh Mercree
You can dig deeper into the problem you’re having
by thoroughly analyzing each aspect of the problem.
Such as:
– Our customers are not buying as much as expected.
So, what else could be the problem to solve?
To improve the quality of the sales force through more effective recruitment, training and management,
what else should we pay attention to?
– Our customers are turning to the products of our competitors.
This situation forces you to ask:
“What value or benefit do customers see in buying from our competitors?
What do we need to improve to re-engage customers?
Sale is serve, add more service
– We didn’t make profit as the target.
What else have we not done to increase profits?
Focus on 80% time on high profit margin, for example: Beer tips
– Our average cost of sales is too high.
So what’s the problem behind that? Is there something we need to address?
Define 80% low profit margin
And so on. Each new definition of a problem will give rise
to different ways to accomplish your long-term goal.
I am not what happened to me.
I am what I choose to become. — Carl Gustav Jung
To do this, think about the issues involved and ask the corresponding questions:
– I haven’t made the money I can afford.
What else do I need to do?
– I haven’t contributed enough value to get it pay higher wages.
What else do I need to contribute?
– I have not done the assigned work well so that I can receive a more commensurate salary.
What do I need to improve?
– I have not used my time effectively while working.
How do I need to solve this problem?
– I do nothing more useful than watching TV in the evening,
hanging out with friends on weekends,
and I rarely read books or study anything that
can help me improve my skills at work.
Now you have found your real problem!
Clearly define what needs to be done to change the current situation.
If you want to do something and you have a goal, do it, don’t wait,
because your channel might change sometime soon
and quite unexpectedly. — Sean Swarner
Once you’ve identified the major obstacle holding you back,
turn that obstacle into a positive goal.
For example, you could say,
“My goal is to continuously improve my skills and abilities
so that I can be in the Top 10 best employees in my field.”
Then make a list of all the steps you need to take to improve your skills
and abilities, improve your time
management, increase efficiency, productivity, and drive sales for your company.
You set deadlines and measures for each step.
Then you choose a key task and act immediately.
From now on, you are solely responsible for your commitment.
You become the master of your own business.
Apply discipline and push yourself to do
what is necessary to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
Presented so clearly on paper,
obstacle identification and goal setting exercises
to remove obstacles will put you in control of your life.
By remaining committed to the determination you set,
you can almost guarantee ultimate success
and achieve almost any goal you set your mind to.
Whenever you feel lonely,
start enjoying the company of the most wonderful person on this earth
..”YOU”! — Sandeep
If you have any questions
or concerns about the accuracy of information in the matters of interest,
discuss it with someone you know well and trust.
Put your ego aside and always invite honest feedback or criticism.
After you have understood the problem
or obstacle of ideas, opportunities,
and answers will come to you from a variety of sources.
You will begin to attract the kinds of resources,
whether they come from within or from your surroundings,
that have the power to help you overcome difficulties, obstacles,
and move quickly towards the goals you have set.
I am not a product of my circumstances.
I am a product of my decisions. ― Stephen Covey
There is a poem that goes like this: “For every problem under the sun,
there will be a solution or there may be no solution at all.
If so, search for it. On the contrary, you should never mind.”
For every problem
or obstacle there is usually a solution that exists somewhere around you.
Your job is to get a clear understanding of
what determines the speed at which you reach your goals
and then focus your time and efforts on reducing that constraint.
By identifying and removing your obstacles,
you often progress very quickly
and in just a few months are able to accomplish the amount of work
that most people take a few years.
1. Identify a big unfulfilled goal of yourself and ask yourself,
“Why haven’t I reached this goal yet?
What’s holding me back?” List all the reasons you can think of.
2. Examine yourself and see if your fears and doubts are the biggest obstacles.
No, We can save incomes and we can gain passive incomes
3. Identify constraints and limiting factors in yourself as well as in the environment you live in,
because they determine the speed at which you achieve your goals.
4. Take a closer look at the problems related to the obstacles you are facing and ask yourself:
“What else do I need to solve?”
Save incomes and invest capital as soon as possible
5. Define your best solution as a goal,
set a deadline, create an action plan,
and then work on implementing this plan.
Focus on doing it every day until the problem is solved or the obstacle is removed.