Brian Tracy! Goal!
Chapter 14: Effective time management
Time slips out of our hands like grains of sand,
and never comes back.
Those who use their time wisely will have a fulfilling,
rich and good life. ― Robin Sharma
To achieve all your goals
and become the type of person you want to be,
you must manage your time properly.
Psychologists agree that
“feeling in control” is the key to happiness, confidence, power,
and personal success.
And this sense of control is only possible
when you practice perfect time management skills.
The good thing is that time management skills can be learned like many other skills.
Even if you’ve been wasteful in the past,
or have a tendency to procrastinate
and often get caught up in activities of little value,
you can change.
You can return
Become one of the most productive, productive
and accomplished people in your field
by learning how others have done it successfully.
It is the transition from confusion to clarity,
from frustration to focus.
With practice, you can become one of the best goal-oriented people in your field.
The only impossible journey is the one.
You never begin. — Tony Robbins
If the top side of a success coin is the ability
to set clear and specific goals,
the bottom side of this coin is the ability
to organize and do the most valuable work,
every minute of the day.
Your choices and decisions will come together to create your entire life.
In order to change or improve your life in some way,
you need to make new choices
or new decisions that better fit your personality
and what you really want to achieve.
The starting point of time management is to define your goals,
then organize them by priority
and contribution value.
You need to know absolutely,
at any given moment,
exactly what is most important to you at that time.
At one point, it could be a business,
or career goal.
Later on, it can be a family
or social-related goal.
On other occasions,
it can also be about health or fitness goals.
In each case,
you need to have the mentality of a sniper,
aiming straight at the highest priority at the moment,
not like a machine gunner,
trying to do too many things at once. at the time.
Nothing has any power over me other than
that which I give it through my conscious thoughts. — Tony Robbins
Peter Ouspensky, a metaphysician and philosopher,
was once asked by a student:
“How do you know what is the right thing to do?”
Ouspensky replied,
“If you tell me what your goal is,
I can tell you what’s the right thing to do.”
This is a story that makes sense.
The only way you can determine what’s right or wrong,
important or less important,
high or low priority, is based on your goals at the moment.
From that base, you can divide all your jobs into “A” or “B” categories.
An “A” job is one that can get you closer to your destination,
as quickly, as directly as possible.
A “B” job is one that doesn’t get you close to a goal that’s important to you.
There’s always a way, if you’re committed. — Tony Robbins
The basic time management tool is a list, prioritized,
and used as a constant management tool.
The truth is you can’t manage time;
You can only manage yourself.
That’s why time management requires self-discipline,
self-control, and self-improvement.
Time management requires you to make the best necessary choices
and decisions to improve the quality of your life and work.
Then stick to your decision.
You should plan your life with a list of long, medium
and short term goals and projects.
You should plan out each month in advance,
with a list of things that you want to accomplish during the month.
You should outline a list of the steps in each task that
requires multiple concurrent processes,
and then organize this list by priority and sequence of progression.
The path to success is to take massive,
determined action. — Tony Robbins
Start planning your week in advance,
preferably on the Sunday before the start of the work week.
Make a daily schedule, preferably the night before.
When you make a list of all the things you have to do the next day,
your unconscious mind will work on that list throughout the night.
When you wake up,
you’ll usually have plenty of ideas
to complete the to-do items on your list.
By writing down your plans,
you have activated the Law of Attraction.
You will begin to attract into your life the people, opportunities,
and resources that you need to accomplish your goals
and tasks according to your goals and objectives best possible.
For things to change, you have to change.—Jim Rohn
In the process of time management,
you must separate urgent tasks from important tasks.
Urgent jobs are determined by external pressures and demands.
You must do these things immediately.
Most people spend most of their day responding to
and responding to urgent tasks in the form of phone calls,
requests from supervisors or customers.
On the contrary,
the important jobs are the ones
that can contribute the most to your long-term future.
Some of these tasks include planning, organizing, learning,
customer research customers,
and set priorities before getting to work.
Besides, there will be urgent but not important tasks,
like the phone ringing or a colleague wanting to talk.
Since these activities take place throughout the workday,
it is easy to mistake them for actual work.
However, the difference lies in the fact
that they do not yield beneficial results.
No matter how many unimportant emergency operations you perform,
you’re not contributing to your job or your company.
The fourth type of task includes things
that are neither urgent nor important,
like reading the newspaper at work or going to lunch for too long.
These activities are completely unprofitable for your career
because they consume time that you could use to get the results
you have to do and the work your future needs.
Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines,
practiced every day.— Jim Rohn
The most important word in determining the value of a particular task
or activity is “consequence”.
A task of value and importance is one
that carries serious consequences if completed or not completed.
The greater the likelihood of a consequence from a task or activity,
the higher its importance.
A task with few serious consequences
by this definition would be an unimportant job.
Therefore, your goal in personal management is
to spend more time doing the things that matter,
that can bring about the greatest possible results in your life and work.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.—Jim Rohn
After you have prepared a list of tasks for the upcoming workday,
review the list and apply the 80/20 rule before you begin.
The 80/20 rule says that 20% of your activities will bring
in 80% of the value of all your activities combined.
If you have a list of 10 to-do items,
two of them are potentially worth far more than the sum of the other eight.
Sometimes, this rule can even turn into “90/10” in practice.
Often, one task on your to-do list
for the day is worth more than the others combined.
1st: Welcome customers by smiling and saying Good morning.
2nd: Care customers as family by asking and listening customers.
3rd: Sale goods is serve or customers is God.
4th: Count exactly cash with customers;
5th: Manage goods, display goods are so attractive to customers in store,
6th: Think positive in all situations happen;
7th: Support customers choose best goods in store as soon as;
8th: Sleep well, eat well, drink well, think positive;
9th: Mini expenditure, maxi deposit in bank, invest lands as soon as;
10th: Learn knowledge about business,
finance and investment of successful man and any where.
If you don’t design your own life plan,
chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
And guess what they have planned for you?
Not much. — Jim Rohn
After you have identified the top 20% of your most important tasks,
you can apply “maintenance”.
“Creatively procrastinate” for the rest.
Since you can’t do everything,
you have to procrastinate on some things.
The only question to answer is:
what tasks will you procrastinate on?
The answer is very simple.
Procrastinate on those things that are 80% of the work
that contribute little to your desired goals and outcomes.
Focus your time and attention on completing the one
or two tasks that can make the biggest difference.
1. Find a subject you care about.
2. Do not ramble, though.
3. Keep it simple.
4. Have the guts to cut.
5. Sound like yourself.
6. Say what you mean to say.
7. Pity the readers. ― Kurt Vonnegut
Another method for setting priority is the ABCDE method.
This method requires you to review your task list
before you start working on it,
and mark A, B, C, D, or E next to each task.
It is doing this exercise and thinking carefully about your tasks
before proceeding will increase efficiency
and work efficiency significantly.
A Class A assignment is a very important job.
It contains serious consequences from completing or unfinished work.
Whether you do it or not,
it can have a big impact on your results and success.
You should always do Class A tasks before anything else.
For example: Count cash exactly to customers
If you have multiple A tasks,
sort them by priority, for example A-1, A-2, etc.
After you have completed this arrangement, identify task A-1
and Focus on starting work to get this job done before moving on to other tasks.
Class B tasks are the ones you should be doing.
The consequences of completing
or not completing it will be milder.
For example, calling a friend,
going out to lunch with a colleague, or checking email would be a B task.
Doing or not performing this type of task can pose a bit of a hindrance,
but the consequences Its for your life is very small.
For example: Smile, welcome and appreciate customers
A Category C task is work you feel comfortable doing
and it usually has no impact on your work or life.
Drink an extra cup of coffee, talk to a colleague, read a newspaper,
or go shopping days are class C jobs.
For example: Manage goods, display goods are so attractive to customers
The rule you need to keep in mind is to never do a type B job
while there is an A task to complete.
Never do a C job while there is a B unfinished job.
Always focus on doing well on the A-tasks of your workday.
Class D tasks are work you can delegate rights to others when they can.
The rule is that you should delegate everything you can
so that more time can be spent on Class A tasks
that can determine much of your success and happiness in life and work.
For example: Sleep well, eat well, drink well
Class E assignments are jobs you can eliminate altogether.
These may be old activities that are no longer important
in achieving your most important goals today.
Much of what you do during the day or week can be eliminated without consequence.
For example: Ability or Skill to convert earned income
into passive incomes and/or portfolio incomes.
Some people read too little,
they have intellectual rickets.― Jim Rohn
You always have the freedom to choose.
Choosing hourly and minutely
what you will do or what you won’t do is the basis of your current life.
The Law of Excluding Substitution states
that doing one thing means not doing other things at the same time.
Whenever you start doing anything,
you are deciding unconsciously or consciously not to do another job
that you can also do at that time.
Your ability to choose wisely what you need to do first,
what to do next,
and what you don’t do at all will determine your entire life.
To become financially independent
you must turn part of your income into capital;
turn capital into enterprise;
turn enterprise into profit;
turn profit into investment;
and turn investment into financial independence. – Jim Rohn
Concentration is one of the most effective work and time management techniques.
This means that once you have selected task A-1,
you start working on it and stay focused until it is 100% complete.
You have to discipline yourself so you don’t get distracted
or get caught up in other work.
If you find yourself distracted,
or feel the need to take a break or delay work,
you can encourage yourself by repeating over and over:
“Back to work! Back to work! Back to work!”.
It can help you get your emotions back on track to get the job done.
Thomas Edison once wrote:
“My success is largely due to my ability to work continuously,
non-stop, not any other quality”.
You should also practice this principle.
Rich or poor, the difference is not so much in
how much you make as
it is in how you use what you make. – Jim Rohn
Plan your workday in advance and create chunks of 30, 60,
or 90 minutes of non-stop work.
These are the times when you can concentrate intensely for
work without interruption.
These times are essential to accomplishing any big,
important task.
One way to create long periods of work is
to get up early and work consistently,
and focus on just one big task, project or plan.
Sometimes, you can create periods of work in the evenings or on weekends.
But the truth is that all the important work,
the tasks that determine the work results,
require a lot of time, full focus and abundant energy.
The famous speaker Earl Nightingale said:
“Every great achievement of mankind stems
from a prolonged period of concentrated effort,
often taking many years.”
If you go to work on your goals,
your goals will go to work on you.
If you go to work on your plan,
your plan will go to work on you.
Whatever good things we build end up building us. – Jim Rohn
Every day, even before you start work
and as you get through the workday,
there are five questions
that you need to answer over and over again:
The first question is:
Why am I getting such a salary?
What exactly were you hired to do?
If your boss asked you,
“Do you know why we pay you?”,
how would you answer?
These are customers
The fact that you are employed
to achieve specific results has some economic value to the company.
And of all the results you accomplish,
20% of what you do will contribute 80% of your value.
You must be very clear about exactly
why you are being paid to work,
and then focus your time
and efforts on doing the best work
that can make the biggest difference for your company or organization.
Make customers happy
To attract attractive people,
you must be attractive.
To attract powerful people,
you must be powerful.
To attract committed people,
you must be committed.
Instead of going to work on them,
you go to work on yourself.
If you become,
you can attract. – Jim Rohn
The second question you need to answer several times a day is:
What are your most valuable activities?
These are activities that demonstrate the maximum
and optimal use of your talents, skills, experience
and abilities in relation to the company, and the profession.
What are they?
Successful, well-paid people are not always more intelligent
or skilled than unsuccessful, low-paying people.
The main difference between them
is that successful people always know how to focus on high-value work,
on the contrary, those who do not.
Success “burns” precious time on low-value tasks.
You are always free selective.
You have the power to decide
what you should do more, or do less.
Your choices will ultimately affect everything that happens to you.
The best investment on earth is earth. – Louis Glickman
The third question you need to ask:
What are your key result areas?
As stated earlier,
your key result areas are the tasks
that you must complete and actively complete perfectly
if you want to achieve top results at work.
They largely determine your success or failure.
You should clearly identify each of these tasks,
and then focus on not only performing
to the best of your ability on each task,
but also getting better at each of the key results areas on a daily basis.
Remember, your most important
but weak skill will affect how well you can use all the others.
Don’t let yourself stagnate because of a weakness in one area,
especially since you can learn everything you need to excel in that particular area.
The risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing. – Warren Buffett
The next question is:
What can I, and only myself,
do to make a real difference to the company if successful?
This is one of the best questions to help you stay focused and goal-oriented.
What can you, and only you,
do that can make the biggest difference in your career?
Once you’ve identified one
or two tasks that you can do to make more of a difference than any other,
focus all of your resources on accomplishing specific tasks,
it quickly and perfectly.
This will benefit your career more than any other single decision you will make.
Success is not to be pursued;
it is to be attracted by the person you become. – Jim Rohn
The fifth, and perhaps the most important question for time management,
What is the best use of my time, right now?
All of these goal setting, personal planning,
and time management techniques
and tools are aimed at helping you answer this question accurately,
every minute of the day.
When you force yourself to ask
and answer this question over and over again,
and you know for sure that
whatever you’re doing is about finding the answer to this question,
you’ll be motivated to get the job done, twice, three times more than the people around.
You will work more and more efficiently.
You will get more done with higher value and achieve greater results.
Discipline yourself, focus on how to use your time to its fullest value,
whatever it is at the moment, and you will succeed.
The key to life is to become skillful enough
to be able to do rewarding things. – Jim Rohn
In the final analysis, the key to high productivity
and efficiency at work is this:
Focus on getting better at the few tasks
that are likely to generate the majority of your end results.
At the same time, it is necessary to learn how to delegate to others,
source from outside,
and eliminate all the shoddy tasks
and activities that do not contribute much to the end result and achievement.
Goethe once said,
“The most important things never depend on the least important factors”.
Perhaps, the best word in the field of time management is “No”.
Just say “No!” with whatever work takes up your time
but isn’t of the highest value at any given time.
Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. – Napoleon Hill
You can become excellent at time management with daily practice.
Write down a list of things you have to do every day before you start doing them.
Sort this list in order of priority,
separating urgent issues from important ones,
using the 80/20 rule or the ABCDE method.
Pick the most important task and focus on getting it done.
Take control of yourself to focus your
whole mind on this important activity until it is 100% complete.
Each time you complete an important task,
you will feel joy, enthusiasm,
and increased self-esteem.
You will feel invigorated and become stronger.
You will feel happier and have more control over your life.
You will feel like you are at the top of your job.
From there, it gives you more motivation to start,
and complete the next important task.
Any time you feel a drop in motivation
or experience the urge to procrastinate, tell yourself,
“Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!”.
Create a sense of urgency, push yourself.
Create your own inclination to act.
Get to work, non-stop and always up to speed.
Pick the most important task,
commit to it now, and then stick to it until it’s done.
Such time management tricks are the keys
to achieving peak performance in all different areas of your life.
Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive. ― Matt Cameron
1. Make a list of things that you love to do,
hope to achieve in the coming years.
Analyze this list and choose the things
that can bring the greatest results in your life.
Smile, welcome and appreciate customers
2. Even tonight, make a list of all the things you have to do for the next day.
Let your subconscious work on this list while you sleep.
Make customers happy, pleasure and smile in store
3. Sort your list in order of preference,
using the 80/20 rule and the ABCDE method.
Separate the urgent from the non-urgent,
the important from the unimportant before you begin.
Mini expenditure, maxi deposit and invest safe
4. Pick out the most important task
that can yield the greatest results when you complete (or fail to do),
and circle it to mark it as an A-1 task.
Customers give gifts daily and increase our salary best soon
5. Get to work on your most important work right away,
and then control yourself to focus fully on this task until it is 100% done.
For example:
The Princeton store is amazing as angel.
The salesman there is one of the best I have ever known.
He was in no hurry; he is friendly, relaxed style;
he made me feel like he really wanted to help me choose the best outfit.
I’m a picky clothes shopper,
but when I meet a good salesperson,
I’ll buy anything,
even if I don’t know if I really need it or not.
This time, I bought two suits
and a sports jacket and ordered it delivered to the office.
We thanked each other and I left.