Brian Tracy! Goal!
Chapter 1: Unlock Personal Potential
Human potential is like an unexplored ocean,
a pristine new continent,
a world of possibilities waiting to be untied for greatness. ― Brian Tracy
Success is the goal to aim for,
and everything else is just to fuel the journey.
All successful people have a tendency to focus on their goals.
They know what they want
and put all their energy into it,
every minute and every hour to achieve it.
In this process,
the ability to set goals can be considered the most important skill.
Goals untie a positive attitude,
freeing up ideas and energy that will help you reach your goal quickly.
Without a goal,
your future will only be left to chance.
Opposite to a definite target,
you will rush like an arrow towards the destination.
There is always a lot of potential in you that has not been awakened
and the truth is that you have only used a very small part of them.
It doesn’t matter where you come from,
the most important thing is where you are going.
Your own desires and thoughts will motivate you
to confidently develop your abilities
and stimulate your level of inspiration
to move quickly towards the finish line.
Goals are like magnets.
They’ll attract the things that make them come true. ― Tony Robbins
Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is
that a person’s mental power has the power
to create almost every aspect of their life.
Everything created by human hands in this world
is born from a thought
or an idea of someone before being transformed into reality.
Do you realize that all your actions
and deeds are rooted in a thought,
wish, hope, dream of yourself or someone else?
Human thinking is always creative.
It shapes one’s own world and influences everything
that happens to that person.
The outside world is a mirror that reflects the world in you,
creating a valuable philosophy:
You will become what you think about most often.
When asked about the things they often think about,
successful people say they often think about
what they want to have,
and how to get there.
less successful and unhappy people often think
and talk about things they don’t want to experience.
They are busy with their own troubles
or with the shortcomings of others.
Living aimlessly is like driving in a dense fog.
No matter how convenient and modern your car is,
you still have to drive slowly
and cautiously even on the flattest roads.
A clear goal allows you to accelerate,
move quickly forward to achieve what you really want.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. ― George Eliot
You take a pigeon that instinctively finds its way home
and put it in a cage.
Cover the cage with a cloth and place it in a crate.
Seal the box and put it in the cab of a truck.
Then you drive that truck to a very far from the original location.
When you open the crate
and release the pigeon from the cage,
it will rise into the air,
circle a few times,
and then fly back to the exact place we took it,
even though it’s thousands of kilometers away.
You have the same goal-directing abilities as the pigeons,
but there’s an even more magical edge to you.
When you know your goal,
you don’t care how far away that goal is
or how to achieve it,
you just need to decide what you really want
and go from there,
straight to what you want.
It is a miracle that the target will also move towards you correctly,
and at a specific time in the future,
in a specific place,
you and your target will meet.
These are instinctive actions,
so you can absolutely achieve your goals,
whether it’s something
as simple as watching tonight’s TV show
or creating a fulfilling life.
Like a pre-programmed machine,
your targeting mechanism works automatically
and continuously to fulfill all your desires that are already “set“.
The size of your goal depends on how you feel about your inherent abilities.
If you put
Set yourself small goals,
automatic goal finding mechanism will help you fulfill your wishes.
If you set great goals,
your natural energy will push you to achieve them.
In short,
it’s up to you to decide the size,
and details of your goal.
Do what you have to do
until you can do what you want to do. ― Oprah Winfrey
Here’s an interesting question:
If goal-finding is automatic,
why are there so few people who know how to set clear,
and methodical goals?
This is truly one of man’s greatest mysteries.
In my opinion,
there are four main reasons for this:
Most people think that goals don’t really important.
Most people don’t realize the importance of goal setting.
If you live in an environment where family or friends never discuss
or evaluate the meaning of goals,
chances are you will grow up not knowing that the ability to set
and Accomplishing your goals has a huge impact on your life later in life.
Try looking around you see!
How many of your friends
or loved ones clearly understand
and stick to their own goals?
Most people don’t know how to set goals
Humans have absolutely no concept of setting goals for themselves.
Some people even confuse goals with wishes
and dreams such as “earning a lot of money”,
“always happy”,
“a warm family”.
The goal must be something completely different from the desire,
it must be clear,
specific and listed.
As a goal setter,
you can easily
and quickly present your plans to others.
At the same time,
you can define,
and plan to accomplish your goals.
Most people have a fear of failure
Failure often causes people to feel depressed, tired,
hurt and damage both physically and mentally.
And in life,
there is no one
who does not experience a few failures.
After each time,
each of them told themselves to be more careful
and not to fall into the same stain again.
But the shadow of the mistakes is still too great
and they cannot overcome,
simply because they do not know
how to stand back to set goals for themselves in such circumstances.
As a result,
their lives pass below their means.
Most people have a fear of rejection
Fourth, many people don’t set goals
because of their obsession with rejection.
They fear that
when they set goals that are later not achieved,
others will criticize and ridicule them.
To prevent this from happening as a hindrance and frustration,
we should keep our goals secret
when setting our goals.
Just let everyone see the result
when you’re done with it.
That way no one can hurt you.
Don’t call it a dream call it a plan. — Zig Ziglar
In What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School,
Mark McCormack mentions a Harvard study
that was conducted over 10 years,
from 1979 to 1989.
In 1979, the question posed to graduates of the HBS MBA(*) program was:
“Have you set clear goals for your future on paper
and a plan to accomplish them? ?”.
The results were surprising:
only about 3% of graduates ever did.
13% have goals but haven’t written them down.
The remaining 84% have no specific goals at all,
other than wanting to get out of school quickly.
Ten years later, in 1989,
the researchers reunited and interviewed the members of that course.
They found that in the group 13% are earning twice
as much on average as those in the 84% quintile.
But the most surprising thing is that in the 3% group,
the average income is now 10 times higher than
that of the remaining 97%.
The only difference between these groups was the clarity
of their goals after graduation.
No directional signs
Clarity and specificity in goal setting are extremely important.
Imagine you need to find a house on the outskirts of a big city
where there is no signpost
and you don’t have a map of that city in your hand.
All you get is a general description of the location of the house.
In this case,
how long do you think it will take you to find that house?
It may take you a lifetime!
Or if you do find that house,
it’s mostly luck.
But sadly, this is also how most people are treating their own lives.
Many people start life as starting a wandering journey aimlessly in a world
with no direction,
no clear map.
It’s like starting a business
without a goal and execution plan.
They simply explore things in the usual sequence of events.
Even 10 or 20 years later,
they still feel unsatisfied with their work,
unhappy with their marriage,
and unable to develop themselves.
Their life is still going home every night,
turning on the TV,
and then hoping
and dreaming that tomorrow will be better.
But that wish rarely comes true.
Simply because they themselves refuse
to participate in the planning process for their future.
The distance between your dreams
and reality is call action. ― Ben Francia
Aristotle, the Greek sage,
once gave the very important teaching
that man is a living creature with a purpose.
He argued that all human actions have a purpose.
They are only happy
when their wishes are fulfilled.
And Earl Nightingale,
a famous American speaker,
“Happiness is the gradual realization of a satisfactory idea or goal.”
Indeed, happiness only comes
when we know how to continuously strive towards something important
to ourselves.
Victor Frankl,
founder of the psychology school of realist analysis
of the meaning of life
believes that the need:
The greatest human need is to find the meaning and purpose of life.
When setting goals,
you will form an idea of meaning,
and direction in your life.
At that time,
you will feel stronger,
more enthusiastic and more productive.
You will also feel more confident in yourself and your abilities.
Each step towards your goals will be a stepping stone for you
to increase your confidence in yourself
to accomplish bigger goals in the future.
It seems that more people are afraid of change
and confused about the future than
at any other time in history.
And one of the biggest benefits of goal setting is
that you can control the direction of change in your life.
That means you are completely self-directed
and self-directed most of the changes in your life.
The most important thing is to have a clear goal
Human potential has extraordinary power.
You already have the ability to achieve most of the goals you set
for yourself in the person you are right now.
Your greatest responsibility is to take the time necessary to clearly
and precisely define what you want,
and to realize what is the best way to get it.
The more you look at a clear definition of your goals,
the more you can unleash your potential
to achieve good things in life.
However, most people do not realize and use their full potential.
According to a study by Stanford University,
the average person only uses about 2% of his intellectual capacity.
The rest of the energy just lies in reserve for later time.
It’s like your parents give you a $100,000 budget,
but you only take out and spend $2,000.
The remaining money remains in the account
and you never use it for the rest of your life.
If you don’t know where you want to go,
then it doesn’t matter which path you take. — Steve Jobs
Desire is the leaven that helps us to reach every success in life.
Only when the desire becomes intense will you have enough energy
and motivation to overcome all obstacles on your way.
And it is a fact that most of what you want,
if you have enough perseverance and intensity,
you will definitely achieve them.
H. L. Hunt,
a billionaire in the oil industry,
when asked about the secret of success,
replied that to be successful requires two conditions
and only two conditions.
Firstly, you must know exactly what you want.
Almost everyone has no definitive answer to this question.
Second, you must know the price you will have to pay for achieving them,
and then focus on solving it.
You should learn from your competitor,
but never copy.
Copy and you die. – Jack Ma
At a restaurant,
we have a meal and then pay the bill.
But in the buffet, we serve ourselves
and have to pay before enjoying the food.
And life is more like a buffet than being served at a restaurant.
Many people make the mistake of thinking
that they only accept to pay after they are sure of success.
It’s like sitting in front of the “fire of life” and saying,
“give me some heat first
and I’ll put in the wood later”.
Zig Ziglar – American speaker,
author and businessman,
once said: “The elevator to success is broken.
But the stairs are always ready.”
And Aristotle once held
that the ultimate goal of all human activities
is the attainment of personal happiness.
According to him,
whatever you do,
aim to improve your own happiness in some way.
And whether
or not you may or may not be happy,
happiness should always be your highest goal.
I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become. — Carl Gustav Jung
Setting goals,
constantly striving
and finally achieving them is the key to happiness in everyone’s life.
Goal setting means so much
that just thinking about it can make us feel happy.
To unleash and maximize your potential,
you should make it a habit to set
and accomplish goals daily throughout your life.
You should focus your mind on always thinking
and talking about
what you want instead of thinking about
what you don’t want.
From now on,
you must be determined to aim for specific goals,
like a rocket or a dove orienting toward important goals.
Your life,
your future will be happier
when you constantly strive to identify
and persistently achieve more
and more of what you really want.
The clearer your goals are,
the more you can maximize your potential
for success in your life and career.
If you set goals and go after them
with all the determination you can muster,
your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. — Les Brown
Think that you always have the ability to achieve any of your goals.
What do you really want to be?
A kind child,
a wonderful mom and a amazing wife.
what do you want to achieve,
Leave assets for husband and son.
and what do you want to do?
Motivate husband and son.
What gives you the greatest sense of meaning and purpose in life?
A value person.
Reflect on your personal and professional life.
Imagine your ability to change the world around you?
What should, or can, change?
Teach people around me change their life.
Do you often think and talk about what you want or don’t want?
What is the price you will have to pay
when you reach your most important goal?
Buy apartment in Bien Hoa city.
After answering the above questions,
what do you need to do right now?
Focus on our goals
Time management is really personal management,
life management and management of yourself. — Brian Tracy