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Here is famous Donald Trump quotes collection
1. As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big. ― Donald Trump
2. Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser. ― Donald Trump
3. Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. ― Donald Trump
4. Without passion, you don’t have energy, without energy you have nothing. ― Donald Trump
5. The harder I work, the luckier I get. When you have momentum going, play the momentum. ― Donald Trump
6. No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. ― Donald Trump
7. When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it and fight back! ― Donald Trump
8. Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. ― Donald Trump
9. Remember, there’s no such thing as an unrealistic goal, just an unrealistic time frame. ― Donald Trump
10. What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate. ― Donald Trump
11. Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that’s more productive. ― Donald Trump
12. It doesn’t hurt to get more education. ― Donald Trump
13. Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make. ― Donald Trump
14. I’m competitive, and I love to create challenges for myself. Maybe that’s not always a good thing. It can make life complicated. ― Donald Trump
15. What’s the point of having great knowledge and keeping them all to yourself? ― Donald Trump
16. Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken. ― Donald Trump
17. I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is. ― Donald Trump
18. I’ve read hundreds of books about China over the decades. I know Chinese. I’ve made a lot of money with the Chinese. I understand the Chinese mind. ― Donald Trump
19. If you love what you do, if you love going to the office, if you really like it, not just say it, but really like it, it keeps you young and energiszed. I really love what I do. ― Donald Trump
20. One of the problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow.
There are people. I categorize them as life’s losers who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others.
As far as I’m concerned, if they had any real ability they wouldn’t be fighting me, they’d be doing something constructive themselves. ― Donald Trump
21. The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person’s ability or skill to convert earned income into passive income and/or portfolio income. ― Robert Kiyosaki
22. If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you Not much. ― Jim Rohn
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