Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich!
Chapter 6: The Sixth Step Toward Wealth: Planning
Dedicated to the magical secret of the brain center.
Find yourself the best environment,
and you will lead
and make a lot of money in a surprisingly short time.
The greater the passive income you can build,
the freer you will become. ―Todd M. Fleming
We cannot start over,
but we can begin now
and make a new ending. —Zig Ziglar
You probably already understand
that all human achievements begin with a desire.
From abstraction,
wishes become concrete in the workshop of the imagination,
which is also where the plan
to turn wishes into reality is formed.
In the chapter on desires,
you learned how wanting money turns into real money.
Achieving this goal has to go through six clear
and realistic steps.
One of them – forming a concrete
and actionable plan to carry out the set idea.
Get as many people
as you need to make and execute your plan,
using the principle of brain centers outlined below.
Whether you internally agree
with this guideline is very important.
Don’t disregard it.
Before you form an intellectual alliance,
determine what benefits each member of this group will gain
from joining the alliance
and what you can give them.
No one can work with you forever
without being compensated for their hard work.
No ordinary person would invite someone to work
or expect to be offered a job
without hoping for adequate compensation,
although not always everything is measured in terms of money.
Make arrangements to meet
with members of the brain cell center
at least twice a week
or more,
if possible,
until you’ve come up with a plan
that you’re most satisfied with.
Maintain harmony in your relations
with all members of the intellectual group.
If you are unable to carry out this instruction,
be prepared to expect failure at any time.
The brain center cannot exist
without the fusion of all its members.
Always remember the following points:
You are doing something of great importance.
To be sure of victory,
you must have a flawless action plan.
To serve your purpose,
you must attract to yourself the experience,
natural gifts,
and imagination of others.
Successful people in business all follow the above method.
No one alone has the experience,
and knowledge needed to succeed!
Whichever plan you choose,
it is the result of collective wisdom.
Whether you’ve come up with the whole plan
or some of it yourself,
make sure it’s through collective intelligence.
The rich know that creative thinking
is the world’s highest paying skill.
Creative independent thinking is the most valuable asset anyone can have.
If you aim at nothing,
you will hit it every time. —Zig Ziglar
Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come.
Get up and make them. ― Madame C. J. Walker
If the first plan fails, there’s nothing to fear;
please change another one.
If this new plan also disappoints you, don’t despair,
but research your next project
and find another solution
until the plan kicks in.
It is at this stage that many people give up
because of lack of perseverance.
if the plan doesn’t work,
instead of being unhelpful,
change the plan.
The whole wisdom is there!
Most smart people have a plan,
no matter what business they work in.
The main thing is that the plan must be realistic and alive.
And don’t be afraid to start over.
A temporary failure just means
that something is not right in your draft.
Millions of people throughout their lives do not get out of poverty
for only one reason:
lack of a well-thought-out plan.
Your achievements are entirely dependent on the depth of your plan.
It is not possible to force a man
to withdraw unless he himself surrenders
– first of all in his consciousness.
James J.Hill suffered failure after failure
as he tried to multiply the capital needed
to build the East-West Railway.
But he knew how to turn temporary setbacks into triumphs,
and he did this thanks to new draft plans.
Henry Ford also encountered seemingly insurmountable difficulties,
not at the beginning of his automobile career,
but when he had reached its peak.
However, he rethought it all from beginning to end,
made different plans and won a new financial victory.
When we talk about people who rise quickly
(as we understand them),
we completely forget the temporary setbacks they suffered
before happiness smiled upon them.
None of the followers of this philosophy comfort themselves
with the hope of getting rich
and avoiding the unlucky streak of temporary setbacks.
This period comes
– it is a sign that your plans are not yet complete.
It is necessary to consider all
and put aside all prejudices, calmly rise up,
towards the goal you always desire.
If you leave work unfinished
and fail to reach your goals,
then you are probably the lazy type.
Lazy people never win,
and winners can’t be lazy people.
Remember this for the rest of your life,
it’s best to write it down in large letters on paper
and hang it up so you can see it every night
when you go to bed
and every morning.
wakes up and orients himself to work.
When forming your mind team,
try to choose people
who don’t see temporary setbacks as tragedies.
Some people believe that only money can make money.
Completely not right!
Helping us to succeed is the willpower of desire,
which easily turns into a monetary equivalent,
derived from the principles outlined above.
Money itself is just an ordinary material thing.
Money does not think,
does not move and is always silent,
but it has a wonderful hearing:
just call,
it will immediately appear
before the eyes of those who crave it!
The rich eventually realize
that mastering the skill of finding solutions
to tough problems is the secret to making money.
Fear has two meanings;
‘Forget everything and run’
or ‘Face everything and Rise.’
The choice is yours.—Zig Ziglar
In sales, the point is not that you’re selling the product,
you’re ‘selling’ yourself. – Aysa Angel
To succeed in any job,
it is necessary to plan wisely.
Here are detailed instructions
for those who start their careers selling their services.
Both services and good ideas can be sold.
When there are no other possessions,
what is better than thought and ability?
Sell them dearly!
All great fortunes begin like that.
Rich people find problems
that need to be solved
in order to make a profit,
and they spend their time solving those problems.
Because they know the solutions will make them a lot of money,
they devote all their mental energy
to critical thinking.
This stems from the belief that having not found a solution does not mean
that there is no solution,
at the highest level.
This awareness leaves no room for anxiety.
Make a careful exploration of who you are
and the work you have been given,
and then sink yourself into that.
Don’t be impressed with yourself.
Don’t compare yourself with others. —Zig Ziglar
“Be nice to people.
It doesn’t cost anything.” – Grant Cardone
In general,
humans are divided into two categories.
The first type is the leader,
the second type is the follower.
From the very beginning you have to decide
what kind of person you are leader or follower.
Incomes vary widely.
Followers have no basis to claim the same income as leaders.
But they are very mistaken,
thinking that they have been treated unfairly.
There is nothing shameful about being an executor.
However, anyone who is not smart
while doing the job,
cannot become a qualified leader.
And conversely,
intelligent followers often show their good qualities
within a short time,
and learn to make independent decisions.
The intelligent follower has a host of advantages
and always learns what is needed from the leader.
The rich are often criticized for thinking only of money,
but in fact it is the poor
who spend the most time thinking about money.
The most important quality
for an investor is temperament,
not intellect.
You need a temperament
that neither derives great pleasure
from being with the crowd
or against the crowd. — Warren Buffett
Show up early, treat people with respect
and perform at the highest levels till the world can’t deny you. – Grant Cardone
The most important characteristics of leadership:
Bold and resolute:
based on knowing yourself
and knowing what you’re doing.
No follower wants to work
under a leader who is not bold and lacks confidence.
No intelligent follower could endure such a leader for long.
Control yourself.
Those who cannot control themselves cannot control others.
Self-control will be an example
for followers to follow their leaders.
Without this quality,
the leader will not be respected by the employees
and has no authority to direct others.
Clear decision.
The person who fluctuates in every decision,
lacks confidence in himself,
that is, he cannot lead effectively.
Detail plan.
Successful leaders always have a plan
and work according to the plan.
A leader who acts or not,
without a concrete and realistic plan,
drifts downstream like a sailboat
without a sail, without a rudder.
Sooner or later,
rush into the rock.
The habit of working overtime.
One of the obligations that leaders voluntarily place on themselves
is to be willing to work more than their employees.
Self attractiveness.
Clutter and sloppy never lead you to success.
Leadership qualities require self-respect.
The followers will lose respect for the leader
who does not care about his appearance
and does not care about his reputation.
Empathy and understanding.
Successful leaders are always sympathetic
and can always come to a consensus with their employees.
More than that,
he understands their problems.
Completely master the problem and the situation.
The leader knows his job like the back of his hand.
Be ready to take responsibility for yourself.
Successful leaders must always be willing
to accept responsibility for the mistakes
and shortcomings of their followers.
People who avoid
and blame others often don’t last long in high positions.
If someone among the employees makes a mistake
and shows his ignorance,
the leader must assume
that it is his own mistake and lack of understanding.
Cooperative spirit.
Leaders must understand
and apply the principle of association
and train the ability to cooperate in their employees.
To lead requires energy,
but only cooperation can give us energy.
There are two types of leadership.
The first type, the most effective,
requires the general consensus
and support of the subordinates.
The second type,
leadership based on coercion,
does not require the understanding
and sympathy of followers.
Human history teaches that violence
and coercion cannot go on indefinitely.
The overthrow of the dictatorship
or the abolition of the monarchy makes this clear.
It indicates that one will not succumb
to power forever.
Napoleon, Hitler,
Mussolini are examples of this kind.
They ended their lives very badly.
Leadership by consensus is the only light
that humanity can hope for.
People may submit to violent force for a while,
but never voluntarily.
The principles of receiving the latest version
includes all of the eleven features mentioned above,
but is not limited to that.
Whoever uses it as a basis of leadership opens himself up
to vast possibilities to lead people from all walks of life.
Big ideas make money come in like water.
It is important to learn how to open the valve.
“Money does not generate ideas,
it is ideas that generate money.”– William Cameron
Success in investing doesn’t correlate with IQ …
what you need is the temperament to control the urges
that get other people into trouble in investing.— Warren Buffett
We will now move on to study the most common mistakes
of leaders who are prone to failure.
Because knowing what not to do is also very important.
Inability to keep up with every detail.
The charismatic leader must know
how to realize all the little things.
He must never ignore new problems
that arise under the pretext of being busy.
If a person,
whether a leader
or an ordinary follower,
declares that he is too busy
and cannot change his plans
because of certain contingencies,
he has signed it,
acknowledge his impotence.
Leaders who reach for success need to be close to all the details
related to their work.
Of course, this requires the leader
to know how to use his assistants.
Not willing to replace others.
If the situation calls for it,
a truly great leader must always be ready
to take on the work he has delegated to others.
Gifted leaders know the truth:
Oh, there’s hair to be grasped.
Having knowledge but not yet using it on the job
has claimed to be rewarded.
In the world people pay not
because you have knowledge,
but because you know how to do something
or convince others to do it.
Fear of the follower competing with him.
Leaders who fear employees taking their place
will sooner or later happen.
A great leader hides no details of his work
from someone he can delegate,
willingly and consciously.
Only then can he perfect himself
and be ready to work anywhere,
controlling completely different things by himself.
People who give others the ability
to earn money also often reap more benefits
that’s a fact.
A qualified leader who is proficient in his
or her job and radiates personal appeal
can greatly influence the performance of others
and help them serve the company more useful and valuable.
Lack of imagination.
If the leader lacks imagination,
he will be helpless in the face of unexpected situations
and without a clear plan,
so his leadership effectiveness will be very low.
selfish. Leaders, taking all the glory
from the work done,
must know that their employees can be disgruntled.
Smart leaders always share the glory.
He must take care that all those
who truly deserve the honor enjoy the honor.
Because he needs to know
that most people would do better
if they weren’t just working for the money.
Do not know self-control.
Employees cannot respect leaders
who are unable to control their thoughts
and weaknesses.
In addition, leadership’s lack of restraint will cause those
who are unable to cope with their strength and endurance.
The list of major leadership mistakes should have started from this point.
Leaders who do not fulfill their commitments
to employees will not be able to maintain their leadership role even
if their position is higher.
With a traitor people will stop asking questions
and be disdainful,
and of course he deserves it.
Disloyalty to word
and deed is one of the most common causes of failure
in any field of activity.
Autocracy in leadership.
A qualified leader must be fearless himself,
and must not cause fear to subordinates.
Leaders who try to use their prestige
to pressure their subordinates are prone to violence.
A true leader does not need to advertise his superiority.
He gets there in another way:
showing understanding,
and fairness,
mastery of the work.
Run for the title.
A charismatic leader doesn’t need a title
to be respected by his followers.
People who brag about their titles
often can’t come up with anything else.
Boasting and ostentatiousness are incompatible
with one’s work qualities.
We have listed all of the most common,
most common mistakes in leadership.
Any mistake can bring your business to a sad end.
If you rise to leadership
and think you don’t have a disability,
go through that list again.
The rich get richer
because they know money hides the problems
that need to be solved.
They know the free market economy is willing
to exchange money for solutions.
The bigger the problem,
the more society is willing to pay.
The more people benefit from your solution,
the more money you get.
The more you invest, the more money you have,
let the money work even when you sleep.
There’s another reason the rich get richer:
they know how to make their money work 24 hours a day.
And it’s not because they invested all the money.
Rich people also like to spend money
and enjoy it like everyone else.
They have a lot of money
so there are many opportunities to invest.
So instead of focusing on spending and saving,
focus on investing, invest some
and spend the rest the way you want.
It’s easier to stand on the sidelines,
and say why you shouldn’t do something.
The sidelines are crowded.
Get in the game. — Robert Kiyosaki
The best way to get what you want is
to help other people get what they want.” –Zig Ziglar
Several areas of activity today are in need of new leaders,
and they have vast possibilities:
The field of political activism is in crisis
and in dire need of new leaders.
The banking industry is also in need of reform.
The industry is waiting for new leaders.
To survive
If possible, the leader must be a social activist,
responding to people’s beliefs
and trying
to alleviate people’s suffering
and disasters.
The future priest must be attentive
to the present needs of the sheep,
deal with their own material problems,
and should not get too caught up in the problems of the past
or just think about the distant future.
The fields of law,
health and education also need new leaders.
Especially in the field of education.
Leaders must teach people
to use the knowledge gained in school.
As little theory as possible,
practice is needed here.
Journalism also needs new leaders.
Is it true that in these areas of activity,
the intelligent leader has vast possibilities?
The world has entered a period of rapid change.
This means that the means of changing people’s mentality
and behavior must also adapt
to the drastically changing situation.
The means mentioned in my book determine more
than anyone the main direction of the development
of human civilization.
What you need is steadfast will.
If you’re the kind of person who has no guts,
you just give up every time life pushes you.
If you’re that kind of person,
you’ll live all your life playing it safe,
doing the right things,
saving yourself for something that never happens.
Then, you die a boring old person. — Robert Kiyosaki
I prefer dreams of the future
to the history of the past. – Thomas Jefferson
The information you read in this book is
just a summary of the experience
that thousands of people have used.
There are five reliable methods
for service buyers and sellers to meet.
Service office.
You have to choose offices you can trust.
Such offices are not many.
Announcements and advertisements.
Read newspapers and magazines.
The announcement can only be trusted if someone has used
and received a job that meets the requirements for
at least the first few days.
Should put ads in newspapers
for employers who need to hire people.
Having good publicity requires the help of advertising
and publicity experts
who know how to showcase your qualities
and keep your boss interested.
Write letters and applications.
Send it to companies and entrepreneurs
who need the services you offer.
Letters must be grammatically correct,
signed and pasted carefully.
Attached to the letter should be an appendix
that fully describes your qualifications.
Both the letter and the addendum must be prepared
by an application specialist
(see application writing instructions).
Through acquaintances.
Don’t belittle acquaintances,
it’s best to negotiate with prospective employers.
This is the best method
if you’re looking for a specific position
and don’t want to get caught up in trifles.
Directly meeting.
In some cases,
it is advisable to meet the prospective boss directly,
and at the same time
to write an application,
because bosses often discuss
with their deputies
when reviewing staff.
Self-made millionaires believe
that exchanging solutions for money is not only fair,
but it is also the right thing to do.
Why don’t the people who contribute
the most to society
and social progress get the most rewards?
The rich don’t have to lend their brains to the masses,
but they do.
They do it not because of responsibility
but because of the desire to contribute and leave a mark on life.
It’s not what you’ve got,
it’s what you use that makes a difference. — Zig Ziglar
“If you don’t confront the tough stuff
it will always have control over you.”– Grant Cardone
You write letters or petitions as carefully
as a lawyer prepares papers
to appear in court.
If you don’t have enough experience to write,
consult an expert
and ask for their help.
Good business people often accept people
who know the art of self-introduction
and who understand the mentality of the boss.
Anyone who wants to sell their services should also keep that in mind.
The application must contain the following information:
Academic level.
Describe briefly,
but clearly, what schools you have studied,
what subjects have passed,
if you have achievements in certain fields,
do not forget to list them.
Years of working by profession.
If you have professional work experience,
describe it thoroughly,
and don’t forget to include the names
and addresses of your previous leaders.
Know that if you are clear
and specific about your previous special experience,
your unique abilities,
it will greatly help in getting the job you want to would like.
Every company wants to know as much as possible
about the past performance
of the person they want to hire.
Enclose the application with the following referrals:
a- from the previous employer;
b-of the teachers you have studied;
c- recommendations of famous people trusted by everyone.
Don’t forget to include your photo.
Ask for a specific position.
Avoid mentioning the specific position you’d love to get.
Never say:
It is this position!
because it proves you have holes in your qualifications.
Prove that you have the qualifications needed for your future job.
Please detail why you believe you are qualified for the position.
This is the most important part of the application.
It will regulate your future more strongly than all else.
Offer to be willing to work with a challenging time.
Maybe this is a bit too much,
but reality shows that if you believe in your qualifications,
the test of time is nothing to fear.
This offer from you shows
that you are confident in your own strength
and take on the position you want to be accepted.
But you must clearly realize that your offer is based on:
a-Believing you are suitable for the position;
b- Believe that you will be accepted
after the probationary period;
c) Determined to take that position.
Your knowledge in this area.
When applying for a job
or aiming for a certain position,
be familiar with the operation of the enterprise
and do not hide your knowledge in this field.
It can make a big impression,
show your interest in the role,
and show you’re creative.
Remember: a lawyer is not someone
who memorizes the rules of the law,
but someone who knows how to prepare the facts
If your proofs are selected correctly
and given meaning,
then more than half of the win is guaranteed.
And that’s just the beginning!
Don’t be afraid to write long applications.
Your boss wants to find highly qualified professionals
just as much as you want a good job.
In other words, the success of entrepreneurs
depends a lot on whether
they can recruit highly qualified deputy people or not.
So they really want to have necessary
and useful information.
It’s also important to remember other things
that seem inconsequential:
the effort and care you take
while you write your letter of enthusiasm.
I have experience writing applications for clients
and it is quite successful,
to the point where they are accepted immediately
without even meeting the boss.
When the application is complete,
print in large letters the following lines:
Information about the qualification of
Robert k. Smith
Want to be a private sector?
For him the president only
Company blank inc.
The recipient’s address can be changed at will.
Such personalized advertising is bound to attract attention.
Print the application carefully on the best paper available,
in a thick envelope as bookstores do.
If you want to apply
for more than just one company,
you can change the company name.
One of the first pages of the application must contain your photo.
When you write a letter,
generally follow the same instructions as above,
just rely more on your own imagination.
Successful sellers always take care of themselves.
He understands better than anyone
how important first impressions are.
Your application is the broker see it,
people immediately contact the seller,
don’t forget that.
Give him the most suitable suit and give him a smile,
it will be different from other offers
that the future boss has encountered.
The more worthy the position you desire,
the more careful preparation must be.
And if you can sell your services
and impress the business owner,
it’s possible they’ve set you up
for a pretty good salary right from the start.
If you must hire your prospective employer’s advertising agent or maid,
give him a copy of the application you made.
By doing so,
you have created favorable conditions for everyone
and increased opportunities for yourself.
Rich people also live in the same environment as ordinary people,
but their thinking is completely different.
This is not a gift they were given from birth
but a choice they made
when they realized the benefits of mind control.
The rich decide to see the world
as it is and what it can be.
And they also see other people this way.
They see the beauty that many people miss.
They see the childish soul inside the adult.
They see potential in everyone they meet.
And they choose to look
that way because they can.
Rich people always believe that humanity,
God or a powerful being is always with them,
ready to guide them on the journey
to the ultimate perspective.
Don’t be addicted to money.
Work to learn.
don’t work for money.
Work for knowledge. — Robert Kiyosaki
There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes
to make easy things difficult. — Warren Buffett
Everyone wants to do what they love.
Painters work with paint, jewelers work with their hands,
writers – with their heads.
Many are suitable for business or industry.
In America there is a wonderful thing about being able
to freely choose a career:
if you like, you can become a farmer,
industrial worker,
medical worker.
Determine for yourself
what kind of profession you like.
If you don’t have that career,
who forbid you to create it?
Choose the company
or boss you want to work for.
Let’s all be clear about the future boss:
about personal qualities and opportunities for success.
Analyze and evaluate all your abilities and gifts,
plan and think about the means
that will help you to make beneficial offers,
or your services,
or ideas to improve the work.
You have to believe in what you say.
Forget about needing a place to work.
Forget about doubts about
whether you will find a job or not.
Forget the well-known old question:
Oh, do you have any spare?
Concentrate on thinking about what you can offer.
Whenever there is a thought and a plan in your mind,
write it down immediately
and then write it down cleanly,
preliminarily processing all aspects of it.
Give that plan to the person who needs it,
and he’ll take care of everything.
Every company needs people who can make valuable offers,
no matter what it is:
or relationships.
Any company will make room for someone
with a definite plan of action,
if it is clear that the plan will benefit the company.
Of course, this job requires a few days or a few weeks,
but the disparity in income,
speed of promotion and recognition
will spare you the long years of hard work with a modest salary.
The method outlined above contains many potential advantages,
the most important of which is time.
Many times it is possible to save one to five years
on the way to the desired goal.
Whoever has a well thought out
and detailed construction plan can cut halfway on the ladder of fame.
If an employee wants to earn extra money,
the first thing they think about
is going to school to get a master’s degree.
In the linear world,
the more you learn,
the more money you earn.
This is the key to making money,
and also the least effective way.
The rich know money comes from a non-linear world
where very few people live.
It’s not because it’s too complicated
for the average person,
but it requires them to let go of the idea that they know
how to make money and make room
for a higher level of thinking.
Rich people are masters of inventing
and developing ideas in a variety of ways.
Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is.
Treat a man as he can and should be
and he will become as he can and should be. — Stephen R. Covey
Who wants?
In the future, if you can sell your services at a high price,
you must pay attention to changes in the relationship
between the employee and the boss.
Relationship between:
The society they serve together
increasingly associated and cooperative nature.
The reason for these new types of relationships is
due to the following reasons.
First of all, in the future,
both employers and employees will serve society
and work most effectively for society.
In the past, employers and employees bargained with each other,
agreeing to a contract in their favor and did not notice
that a third aspect was also present in the contract,
that of the society they served.
Courtesy and Mutual Support are the slogans of any business today.
It concerns both the master and the seller of his labor,
because they both serve society.
If they fail to do this,
they will lose all the advantages they had gained.
We still remember the time
when the employee
who went to watch the gas meter slammed on the door and winced
and grumbled when people opened the door:
Oh How long do you make people wait?
see amazing changes.
The person who came to see the meter looked like a gentleman,
and was ready to serve immediately.
Because while the gas companies were still grappling with their often disgruntled customers,
the nimble kerosene stove sellers had overtaken them
and spilled out across the country.
During the Depression I spent several months
in the Pennsylvania coal region investigating
the causes of the near-rooted collapse
of the coal industry in the United States.
The coal magnates and their workers shrewdly negotiated
to raise the price of coal until they realized
that by doing so they had facilitated the development
of oil production and trading.
Perhaps this story teaches us that no one can exceed our strength
and that our whole life depends on our own behavior!
If there are certain principles that govern business, finance, and transportation,
it is the same principles that control people’s behavior
and determine their economic status.
“I discovered that wealth is a kind of perception
and that anyone can perceive it
by thinking like a rich person.”– Andrew Young
Being an entrepreneur is simply going from one mistake to the next.
You must have the fortitude to continue on. — Robert Kiyosaki
In the previous section we have presented the methods
of best selling our services regularly
and effectively.
No one will achieve any remarkable success
if he does not study,
analyze and understand the things stated.
Each one must know how to sell his or her service.
The quantity and quality of service,
as well as the accompanying morale,
will determine the length of the hire and the wages paid.
In order to sell your services with the highest efficiency
(i.e. the right price and the best conditions),
you must adhere to the CSS formula:
quality, quantity, and spirit of cooperation.
It guarantees you success for sure.
Keep in mind the cell CSS formula.
Make it your slogan,
your passion,
your habit!
Let’s analyze to make sure we understand.
Service quality
– it is perfection down to the smallest detail,
and is achieved only
when all your thoughts are directed towards service improvement.
Quantity of service,
it is the habit of serving the most complete at any time
and always expanding the list of service types.
Don’t forget to perfect your art yourself.
And let it become your habit.
Mental strength, enthusiasm
and enthusiasm for cooperation,
it is the enthusiastic
and maximum interaction with our deputies and associates,
setting a good example to motivate them to do the right thing at work.
As such,
quantity and quality alone are absolutely not enough
to guarantee the level of service you desire.
The attitude and manner in which you serve is what determines everything
both the commission you receive,
the time you work.
Sir Andrew Carneghi emphasizes this very strongly i.e
the need for good manners
when discussing the principle of selling personal services.
He said that he never accepted into the company someone
who didn’t do his job with a certain amount of inspiration.
Sir Carneghi always had to make sure he liked the person.
He has helped many people he considers qualified
to be intelligent and worthy to become rich.
Those who did not meet the above criteria,
he gave to other firms.
A person who has a soul,
is comfortable in communication,
has a fresh mental state
in other words,
is a person who is able to attract others
will have enough means to overcome defects in quality
as well as quality. volume of services he performs.
Whatever you say, nothing can replace good manners.
While the rich continue
to carry out one dream after another,
the poor stand on the sidelines,
denigrating success and thinking it is just luck.
“A half-liter bottle cannot hold a liter.
If a half-liter can hold a liter,
it’s overdoing it.” – Margaret Deland
Be patient with yourself.
Self-growth is tender;
it’s holy ground.
There’s no greater investment. — Stephen R. Covey
Services are also a commodity like other consumer goods.
The general rules of conduct in the commodity trade also apply to this sector.
it must be constantly reminded
that the vast majority of people who
sell their services make a common mistake:
not feeling like they have the same responsibilities
as ordinary merchandisers.
The era of the selfish is gone forever.
Instead and those are benevolent people.
The true value of your intellectual abilities is determined
by the income you earn from selling personal services.
If you determine the value of your intellectual ability
by multiplying your annual income by 16,666,
you will get an approximate number.
Compare that to income by depositing money in the bank,
it’s almost 6% a year on average.
You must know that money cannot be more valuable than intellectual ability.
When compared to talent and wisdom,
money is often just a bunch of paper.
Insight, if sold at the right price,
would be a much more useful form of investment
than the business capital needed in the production of goods.
Why? Because this form of capital never depreciates even in times of recession,
even due to inflation.
This capital cannot be stolen,
nor can it be lost in the red and black game.
In addition,
although it plays a significant role in business,
but if not connected with thoughts,
is worth no more than the sand of the sea,
and like the grains of sand,
slip through the fingers.
That’s why rich people only like to associate with rich people.
They can’t stand a conversation filled with unhappiness,
and melancholy.
They want to talk about the bright future
and pure joy of living.
Before you can become a millionaire,
you must learn to think like one. ― Thomas J. Stanleyt
How you see the future is much more important
than what happened in your past. — Zig Ziglar
The worst tragedy of life is that many people,
trying very seriously to change their fate somewhat,
still fail.
And in the vast majority of cases,
there are more unlucky people than successful people.
I have had the honor of analyzing the behavior of thousands of people,
of whom the unlucky ones make up 98%.
My research shows that there are thirty-three unhappiness,
or in other words thirty-three major causes of people’s failure.
But there are also thirteen principles that lead to success.
Let us first consider the unhappiness.
Read this list carefully,
item by item,
and maybe you’ll understand for yourself
what separates you from success.
Weak genetics.
This is a very minor defect that may go unnoticed.
If you were born with a little bit of wisdom eaten away,
using the following method is very easy to overcome that difficulty.
Rely on the team of thinkers,
who we call the ‘Wisdom’ or ‘Brain Center’.
Remember that of all the unhappiness boxes,
this is the easiest to fix.
Lack of clear purpose in life.
If man does not have a definite goal in life
or at least strive to achieve something,
he cannot have any hope of success.
When I interviewed, out of a hundred respondents,
ninety-eight did not set any goals for themselves.
This could also be the main reason.
People don’t want anything,
so they never get anything.
Think about this, and you will understand a lot.
Lack of ambition,
lack of desire to rise above reality.
We don’t think so much hope should be placed on those
who are so indifferent to their own destiny
that they don’t want to make life more worthwhile,
on those who are indifferent to rewards.
There is a gap in the qualifications.
This obstacle is also relatively easy to overcome.
Experience shows that highly qualified people are often self-trained and self-trained.
No school can make you qualified.
Only a man who receives from life all
that he wants without the imposition of violence against others
and with equal powers to others can be considered a qualified person.
Qualification includes not only knowledge,
but also skills to apply knowledge.
Knowledge is judged not only by the knowledge itself,
but by its use.
Lack of willpower.
Self-discipline is accomplished through self-control.
It means that man needs to control all his bad qualities.
Before you learn how to take control of the situation,
you need to know how to control yourself.
Great people know they need to protect their perception
and work to strengthen it every day.
We think we see the world as it is,
when in fact we see the world as we are. — Stephen R. Covey
The more you are grateful for what you have
the more you will have to be grateful for. — Zig Ziglar
If you don’t conquer yourself,
you will be defeated by yourself.
When you stand in front of a mirror,
you can see yourself as both your own best friend
and your own worst enemy.
sickness illness.
Without health,
do not expect to have great success.
many causes of illness are manageable. Mainly:
Eating improperly;
Not knowing how to control perception,
used to thinking about bad things,
always negative emotions;
Excessive infatuation with sexual activity,
or conversely,
physiological weakness;
lack of exercise;
Lack of fresh air,
making it difficult to breathe.
The influence of people around,
especially in childhood.
It is no coincidence that people still say:
Near the ink,
it is black,
near the lamp,
it is bright.
Most people who are inclined towards criminal activity are used
to this from a young age.
Usually harmful acquaintances take place from childhood.
Wait, see you tomorrow.
This is one of the most common causes of failure.
Procrastination is in every person,
and it just waits for the opportunity to take over man,
robbing him of the last chance in his life.
Many of us are still empty-handed
It’s just because of a lifetime of waiting:
the time will come when we begin to do worthwhile work.
Never wait,
the opportunity may not come.
Act now,
using all the means at your disposal;
The best possibilities
and means are revealed to you only
when you are slightly beginning to succeed.
Lack of determination to achieve goals.
Many people start off very well
but do not have the strength to make it to the end.
people tend to appreciate the first signs of failure.
Nothing can replace determination.
Those who make determination their motto will quickly discover
that the Loser gets tired and walks away.
Determination is like wisdom,
you cannot go to the market to buy it.
People with a bad character,
causing others to loathe and avoid them,
will have no hope of success.
Success only comes
to those who have the will to cooperate with others.
Does anyone enjoy working with annoying people?
Uncontrolled sexual desire.
Sexual energy is one of the driving forces
that motivate people.
Since it often controls emotions,
it must be carefully controlled,
converted into mental and spiritual energy,
and released in the most smooth way.
Excessive passion for red and black.
The love of adventure and risk has failed millions of people.
A good example of this is the house number 29 Wall-street,
where many people are trying to make money in the risky stock game.
Many of them defaulted completely.
Lack of confidence in their own decisions.
Whoever makes the right decision
but quickly abandons it is weak.
Whoever can’t come to a decision is even weaker.
He’s even more fickle.
Lack of determination and procrastination are twins.
Where there’s room for one,
there’s room for a second.
Destroy these twins before they drag you
to the battlefield of the losers.
One of the six symptoms of fear
(see the last chapter of this book,
where the six symptoms of fear are analyzed!).
You cannot effectively act in your chosen direction
without knowing how to completely
and unconditionally overcome those symptoms.
The marriage is not happy.
This is a fairly common cause of failure.
The relationship in marriage is the closest
and most intimate relationship between people,
because it deals with the deepest aspects of life,
and therefore must be very harmonious.
Otherwise, failure will come immediately.
Moreover, even choosing a wife (or husband) can be a failure,
bringing only poverty and unhappiness
and killing even ambitions in the end.
Be overly careful.
Those who do not use their opportunities only enjoy the surplus.
Excessive caution is just as bad as lack of strictness.
Both extremes should be guarded against.
Usually, life still gives itself opportunities.
Choose an unsuccessful business partner.
This is also one of the most common causes of failure.
If you sell your services,
choose your prospective boss carefully.
He, first of all, must be intelligent,
secondly, a successful person,
then his example will stimulate you.
Because we always try to imitate people
who have a close relationship in common work.
Go work for people who are worth it.
Prejudice is one of the forms of failure.
Prejudice always bears the mark of ignorance.
Successful people are free in thought and fear nothing.
Choose an unsuccessful profession.
Working without enjoyment cannot be achieved.
If you sell your services,
the first step in your action is to choose a career or title.
In other words, choose a job in
which you can dedicate your entire being.
Not enough effort.
The person who is present everywhere does not stay for long.
No saint can be everywhere in time.
Focus your efforts on a well-defined main goal.
Excessive wasteful habits.
Extravagance never leads anyone to success,
because it is always accompanied by a fear of poverty.
Train yourself to be frugal:
put away some of your income.
Bank deposit – that is the basis for confidence.
If a man has no money,
he is often forced to accept what is given,
and accept and still be grateful.
Lack of excitement.
Try doing something less exciting for us!
In addition, nothing is more contagious than excitement,
so people with excitement can penetrate all different groups and groups.
Not compatible.
The person who can’t stand certain things,
as is often called the fixed type,
rarely gets to the top.
A person’s incompatibility means that he
or she can no longer absorb new knowledge.
The most severe lack of inclusivity concerns different political,
racial and religious prejudices.
Lack of cooperation.
Many people lose their position and status simply
because they do not know how to cooperate with others.
This cause is often accompanied by other mistakes.
Entrepreneurs and savvy leaders never accept
This weakness in his employees.
Owning assets that you cannot earn with your own sweat
and tears
(especially for those who are rich by inheritance).
Possession of undeserved wealth will gradually lead to a sad end,
there is no success,
and that is,
success will not come!
Sudden wealth is more dangerous than poverty.
Intentionally dishonest.
Preserve your honor from a young age!
Losing it is easy.
Of course, there are times when,
due to the pressure of circumstances
or fear of having to cope with huge losses,
people have no other choice,
forced to be clever
and take care of themselves.
But that’s a special case!
And those who deliberately follow that path have no hope.
Sooner or later the secret will be revealed
and possibly discredited for a lifetime,
let alone freedom.
Conceit and vanity.
These qualities travel from afar as clear as beacons,
warning everyone:
stay away from this person!
Success may also temporarily smile at him,
but he will suffer failure either way.
Believe in divination instead of thinking and weighing facts.
Most people are very apathetic,
lazy and do not like to learn facts
that are actually worth thinking and considering.
They listen to other people’s opinions,
opinions that are often based on assumptions
or inferences that are very crude and superficial.
Lack of money.
It’s also a relatively common cause of failure among those
who start out without backing and support,
and when mistakes don’t escape major annoyances.
If at all possible,
you must get the support right from the start,
or accumulate enough money
to make timely corrections
and establish a good reputation in the corporate world.
We recommend that you fill out these sections yourself,
if you think there are other special reasons preventing you
from becoming a millionaire.
Above are the thirty-three misfortunes that cause life’s tragedy
that all those who have tried but failed
and stumbled know very well.
If the above list doesn’t tell you anything,
suggest that someone close to you,
who knows you well,
ask him
or her to analyze each point with you,
and don’t worry idea!
But it’s also possible that someone would prefer
to do this on their own.
Most people don’t see themselves
from the outside as others do.
Maybe you are not one of them.
In fact, successful people are confident
because they always bet on themselves
and are rarely disappointed.
Even when they fail,
they are confident in their ability
to learn from failure to come back stronger and richer.
Don’t count the things you do,
do the things that count. — Zig Ziglar
Emotions are what make us human.
Make us real.
The word ’emotion’ stands for energy in motion.
Be truthful about your emotions,
and use your mind and emotions in your favor,
not against yourself. — Robert Kiyosaki
One of mankind’s oldest interjections is probably:
Know thyself!
If you are a successful trader,
you must know the specifics of the job down to the last detail.
The same is true in the personal services market.
You must know your weaknesses well
so that you can overcome
or completely eliminate them.
You have to know your strengths
because when you sell services,
you have to imagine how you will use your qualities to attract attention.
But you can only know yourself if you dig carefully
and analyze it correctly.
A young man applying to work
for a famous businessman expressed his ignorance as follows.
At first he made a pretty good impression.
But this impression completely dissipated after the manager asked
how much salary he considered enough.
The young man replied
that he had not thought of a specific number
(showing a lack of clear goals in life).
The manager immediately said:
We will pay you what you are worth,
and give you a week of probation.
I don’t agree,” replied the young man,
“because even at my old job
I was paid more than I was worth.
Remember for a lifetime:
if you’ve wanted to talk about salary in your current job
or want to find a new one,
you have to make sure your worth is greater
than the amount you’re currently receiving.
Wanting money (and who doesn’t want more) is one thing,
it’s worth more – quite another!
Many people confuse their needs with their abilities.
Your financial needs
and your own worth are two completely different things.
Your worth depends on your ability to serve
or your organizational genius,
if you can motivate people to do the same.
As they go from success to success,
they build up a strong psychological momentum day by day,
raising their self-confidence to the point
of being seen as arrogant.
“If you’re going to gamble,
you have to be confident.”
In order to become rich,
you must believe you can do it,
and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal. ― Suze Orman
It’s not what happens to us,
but our response
to what happens to us that hurts us. — Stephen R. Covey
If you sell services,
the annual self-assessment is as important
to you as the year-end inventory is to the merchant.
the annual analysis helps to reduce mistakes
and increase work efficiency,
training the necessary qualities.
You will immediately notice
that you are making progress or standing still,
or even taking a few steps back.
Of course,
successful people are always good examples.
The annual analysis shows all of your achievements,
and if there is progress in any area,
then what that progress is really like.
If you want to sell services successfully,
annual progress,
even if slow,
is essential.
You should wrap up at the end of the year
so that you can congratulate yourself,
at least in mind,
if you have great ideas.
To help you with your self-analysis,
we’ve put together the questions you’ll find below.
You research and answer,
and let someone,
who doesn’t allow you to fool yourself,
double-check the answers.
The hard work I’m talking about here is not working hard.
To work hard with the rich is to persistently
find a way to solve problems
that seem stuck day in and day out.
The rich know their most valuable asset
is the ability to think,
and because they often use mental strength,
they are very good at it.
“Success tends to bless those who are most committed
to giving it the most attention.” — Grant Cardone
Successful investing takes time,
and patience.
No matter how great the talent or effort,
some things just take time:
You can’t produce a baby in one month
by getting nine women pregnant. — Warren Buffett
Did I achieve the goals I set for myself this year
(you can set a task for yourself each year,
it’s part of your main life goal)?
Have I served the utmost professionalism,
or can the quality be further improved?
Have I done enough service volume
that I am capable of?
Is my behavior still reprehensible in cooperation with others?
Have I overcome the habit of procrastination,
and if so, to what extent?
Have I improved my temper at all, and if so, how?
Am I determined enough to go through with my plan?
Do I have the final say in all cases?
Have I overcome all six fear signs?
(See last chapter).
Am I too careful or,
too negligent in choosing the means leading to the end?
Is my relationship with customers or colleagues good?
If not, what part do I have at fault?
Am I squandering my energy in vain
and not being able to focus it on what’s important?
Do I get along with people
and eliminate prejudices
and biases in my perception?
How can I still increase my serviceability?
Am I lacking restraint over some of my weaknesses?
Am I too conceited and narcissistic,
overt or hidden, or not?
Are my relationships with customers
or colleagues as good as they should be?
What are my decisions usually based on:
correct conjecture,
conjecture or analysis of real events?
Am I in the habit of properly considering time,
revenue and expenditure, and spending?
How much time did I waste on misdirected efforts,
to achieve secondary goals instead of using it more properly?
How do I time and change my habits
to achieve greater success next year?
Did I make any mistakes,
and do all the mistakes I correct due to thoughtful thinking?
How can I expand my service portfolio and improve service quality?
Have I been unfair to anyone,
and if so,
If I have to pay to buy my services,
will I be satisfied with myself,
or will I buy from someone else?
Did I choose my career correctly,
and if not, why?
Are the people using my service satisfied, and if not, why?
If it comes from the principles that lead to success,
how would my performance today be ranked?
Please answer honestly and objectively,
if necessary,
ask others for help.
Want to check your results,
ask people who are not afraid to tell you the truth.
By the end of this chapter,
if you have absorbed all the necessary information,
then you are ready to plan to sell your services.
From this chapter we’ve covered in detail
all the most important principles of personal service sales planning,
including all the hallmark attributes of leadership,
the key signs of failure,
and the like ,
areas of activity that need new leadership,
the main causes of daily friction,
and the most important questions
to ask yourself in self-reflection.
We give very detailed things
for only one reason:
if a man begins his business
by way of service,
in his activity he cannot avoid one of these mentioned problem.
Both those who have lost all their wealth,
even those who have just started making money have no choice
but to sell services.
it is very important to know
how to behave in one case or another,
to know how to get the most out of it.
This book will not only help you in the service market,
it will also help you get advice from smart
and talented people.
This book is invaluable for directors
and executives,
managers and job creators,
as well as those who need effective staff
and leadership selection.
Don’t you believe?
Answer twenty-eight questions
and figure it out for yourself.
The more knowledgeable they are,
the richer they become.
“I discovered that wealth is a kind of perception
and that anyone can perceive it
by thinking like a rich person.”— Andrew Young
Never invest in a business you cannot understand. — Warren Buffett
Now that we have analyzed the principles
that make money flow into our hands,
we naturally have to ask ourselves the following question:
Where do we find the right ability
to apply these principles?
Great! Let’s see what America has given those
who aspire to get rich or relatively rich,
get what.
Each of us must remember that we live in a country
where any law-abiding citizen is free to think and act freely,
and in other parts of the world there are Dreams are also dry.
Most of us never fully utilize the advantages of this freedom.
We have simply never compared our freedom
with the poor rights enjoyed by others.
We have freedom of thought,
freedom to choose
and receive education,
freedom of belief,
freedom to political activities,
freedom to choose businesses,
occupations and positions,
unlimited private property freedom,
freedom to accumulate wealth
without fear of different ideologies,
freedom to concentrate all one’s wealth in one’s hands,
freedom to change residence,
freedom to marry,
freedom of equal talents regardless of race,
freedom of movement,
freedom to eat and drink,
freedom to rise to any social status we desire,
without exception President of the United States of America.
We have other liberties as well,
but these freedoms alone are enough
to show the most essential thing that forms the basis
of a rich choice of possibilities.
These freedoms may not be clearly seen
because America is the only country that guarantees to its citizens,
whether born in the United States or naturalized,
the freedoms that the world can afford to imagine.
Next, let’s list the good fruits of freedom.
As an example of an average American family
(that is, a family with a median annual income),
let’s calculate the share of income
from gross national product that goes to each family member.
After freedom of thought
and freedom of action are three vital factors:
food, clothing and shelter.
Eat: Our total freedom allows the average family
to choose the right amount of food
and drink at a reasonable price.
Wear: in the United States any woman can choose clothes
that suit her taste and all other parameters,
and can spend no less than five hundred dollars a year.
Men do not have to say!
an average American family definitely has a fully furnished apartment with heating,
Family breakfast cakes prepared in electric ovens cost a few dollars.
The apartment is fully cleaned thanks to an electric vacuum cleaner.
There is always hot water in the kitchen and bathroom.
Refrigerator ready.
Electricity helps women wrap their hair,
wash and iron their clothes.
Just plug in
and the electricity is ready to serve you.
Men have electric shavers.
Can host guests from all over the world, 24 out of 24 if you want.
There are other amenities in the house,
but these alone are enough to allow us
to imagine what America’s freedom has to offer.
We only mention the three most essential points:
and shelter.
The average American family enjoys many other privileges
and advantages that require no extraordinary effort beyond an eight-hour workday.
The average American has been guaranteed housing benefits like no other in the world.
He can put money in the bank
and be sure that the management will keep it,
even in the event of a financial crisis will fully compensate him.
If an American wants to go somewhere,
he doesn’t need a passport,
he doesn’t need permission.
He goes where he wants to go
and comes back whenever he wants.
he can travel by train,
private car,
as long as his wallet allows.
Most people have never really tried to get rich
because they don’t believe they can.
Some people put in a little effort
and then decide to just live a normal life.
Millionaires know their behavior is driven by beliefs
and ultimately it is their behavior
that makes them rich.
Belief is the cause, behavior is the effect,
and wealth is the predictable outcome.
Being an entrepreneur is simply going from one mistake to the next.
You must have the fortitude to continue on. — Robert Kiyosaki
“Go the extra mile,
there’s no one on it.”— Grant Cardone
We often hear politicians talk about freedom in America.
Especially when they need the voter’s vote.
But very few people take the time
to analyze the origins of this freedom.
With no particular purpose,
no grievances,
no hidden motives,
I have the honor to analyze this secret,
this elusive abstraction,
given to the citizens of the United States of America.
More rights,
more money,
more freedom than any other country in the world.
I have a right to study the nature
and source of those latent forces,
because I know
(and have known before) the hundreds of people
who organize this power,
and who are responsible for harnessing it,
that strong.
The name of that benefactor of mankind is CAPITAL!
Capital is not only money,
but also consists of well-organized groups of people
who plan to use money most efficiently
to produce goods for others
and secure income for themselves.
These groups often include scientists,
transportation experts,
doctors and many other experts.
They are pioneers,
they leave their mark
and pave the way in the business.
They protect schools,
build roads and bridges,
publish newspapers,
bear a large part of the cost of maintaining the government,
without neglecting any of the small details necessary
for the progress of mankind.
In a nutshell,
capitalists are the brains of mankind,
because they run the factory that allows the education,
and progress of human civilization to be maintained.
Money without wisdom is a big risk.
But if used correctly,
it can be a very powerful ingredient security of civilization.
The importance of capitalist organization is obvious to everyone:
imagine that you have the responsibility to feed your family
without a penny in your pocket.
To have tea,
you have to go to China or India;
from America to those two countries,
the way is not close at all.
Even if you swim very well,
you will run out of breath before you reach the finish line.
But suppose you get there.
A new problem arose: where to get the money?
To get to the road, you have to swim to the West Indies
or swim in the sugar beet plantations of Iuta state.
But the main thing is that you will return empty-handed anyway,
because to produce requires both effort and money.
Not to mention the problem of refining,
Assuming eggs are quite simple,
because the chicken farm is somewhere not far away;
But what would you do if you wanted to drink grapefruit juice?
Going to Florida?
If you like bread,
at least go to Canzas.
If not further.
if you don’t want it,
can be removed from the menu;
To manufacture it requires too many annoying things,
including specialized machines,
all of which require money,
money and money.
Take a break,
start a new trip,
this time to South America,
where you can pick some bananas.
On the way back,
turn to the nearest dairy farm
to get some milk and butter.
Are you tired?
That, if you are anti-capitalism,
all the things described above will be the only way
to be able to prepare yourself a breakfast.
Think about that!
They treat making money like a game
and they love to find new ideas
that help solve problems
and serve people in exchange for greater remuneration.
Every day they work with passion
and excitement,
knowing that their opportunities
are endless and that they will be richer tomorrow
than they are today.
This spirit leads them to bigger
and better opportunities.
This mindset leads them to bigger
and better opportunities.
“Everything in life is a sale
and everything you want is a commission.”– Grant Cardone
A winner is a dreamer who never gives up. ― Nelson Mandela
The total amount of money needed
to build railroads and ships,
that is,
just to deliver food for breakfast,
could rattle any imagination.
Several hundred billion dollars.
Not to mention hiring workers for those ships.
But transportation is only a small part
of modern civilization.
If you want to transport something,
you have to produce it first.
As for the preparation for the product to be sold,
have you forgotten?
That’s millions, millions of dollars:
finally advertising,
and in addition the wages of tens of thousands of people.
But what is ten thousand
– must be millions of people!
No ship,
no railway can function
without people.
Those achievements represent civilization
and require professional operation,
special knowledge of technology,
in other words, talented people:
daring to decide and resolute enough.
Those people are the capitalists!
Their actions are motivated by the desire to build,
and accumulate wealth.
And since they have forms of service without
which there would be no civilization,
they stand on the road to great wealth.
To make it easier to understand,
I would like to add that these capitalists are the ones
who are condemned
and vilified by street critics.
They are the people whose extremists,
dirty politicians
and conscientious objectors scream everywhere:
Wall-street sharks!
Please note that I do not oppose
and do not advocate an economic system.
The purpose of this book
to which I have devoted more than half a century is to provide those
who desire the ultimate philosophy,
the best knowledge that enables man
to achieve the wealth he desires expect.
Here I go a little deeper into the primacy
of the capitalist system for two reasons.
I’m trying to point out that everyone
who wants to be successful must adapt
to the conditions of the system
that controls the paths to wealth of all sizes.
I have to use bright colors to show that politicians
and demagogues are deliberately blackening the subject
of debate in their articles
and statements on the issue of organized capital,
which seems to be some kind of poison.
We live in a capitalist country.
Our country developed thanks to capital.
And we who want all rights,
who demand freedom and ability,
we who seek riches for all,
need to understand one thing,
that no one will have wealth
and all possibilities if organized capital is not profitable.
There is only one legitimate
and reliable method of acquiring
and preserving wealth
to provide the necessary services to everyone.
There is no system that allows people
to obtain legitimate wealth by trickery
and without giving anything of value,
in any way.
Because of their abundant mental state,
they never feel the need.
Wealth attracts wealth.
Poverty attracts attracts poor.
Love attracts love.
If you have little money
and are afraid of losing it,
you may lose it for real.
If you don’t have money
but you work in the spirit of abundance
then you are on your way to riches.
The fear of being different prevents most people
from seeking new ways
to solve their problems. — Robert Kiyosaki
The richest people in the world build networks.
Everyone else is trained
to look for work. — Robert Kiyosaki
America creates every possibility
for honest people to get rich.
When one person creates the game,
the other chooses the place of action.
Those who want to become rich need
to follow the rules of the game.
Don’t miss the possibility in a country
with affluent citizens,
where every year women spend millions of dollars buying lipstick
and other cosmetics.
If you want to make money,
look closely at the country that is throwing away hundreds of millions
of dollars every year dollars on cigarettes.
Don’t be in a hurry to leave a country where people volunteer,
even passionately,
spend millions of dollars a year on football,
baseball, and other recreational sports.
Remember that these are just a few of the great sources of wealth.
Yet the production,
and sale has created jobs for millions of people
who are receiving monthly wages
and also spending on necessities or luxuries.
Don’t forget that the backside of selling personal services
in the marketplace is the unlimited get-rich-quick possibilities.
Here, in America,
freedom will help you.
No one and nothing can stop you
from growing your business
or organizing your work.
Talented and experienced people get rich quick
is unimaginable.
Those with less luck also got rich,
but not so quickly.
Anyone can earn a means of survival
by a work that is not very hard.
Through research I have found
that this is not necessarily true.
Think about it:
why wouldn’t anyone want to get rich?
It promotes your need for safety
and it also gives you choice.
If this is true then
why do most people refuse to get rich
and why do they deny they are interested in getting rich?
“No one is going to come to your house
and make your dreams come true.”– Grant Cardone
The only thing that endures over time is the ‘Law of the Farm.’
You must prepare the ground,
plant the seed,
and water if you expect to reap the harvest. — Stephen R. Covey
Opportunity is always ahead of you.
Let’s turn around and take the opportunity.
Choose what opportunity presents, plan,
and stick to that plan
with the necessary perseverance.
Capitalist America will take care of the rest.
You can rest assured:
capitalist America will give every man a chance to serve
and help accumulate the money he deserves for his service.
Our system has not denied anyone this right,
but it promises and does nothing,
because the system itself is subject
to the strict control of economic laws and regulations.
This law never accepts that something can be received without giving.
“Your problem isn’t the problem.
Your reaction to the problem is your problem.”– Grant Cardone
To change ourselves effectively,
we first had to change our perceptions. — Stephen R. Covey
Four principles will help you form a team of people with brains,
the group of people we call Mr. Tri or the Center of the brain.
This center will make your financial ability increase unexpectedly.
Choose people who can inspire you to work,
share your mind-blowing work with you,
and express and boost your own beliefs.
Put into practice eleven prestigious leadership principles;
Remember the ten causes of leader failure
and the six areas in which new leaders are needed,
and the five ways to get the job
you want in every area of your business.
When writing your application,
include an action plan,
and all doors will open before you!
Bosses will invite you to do high paying jobs!
America’s prosperity is based on capital,
and in principle it’s not at all difficult
to give yourself a substantial portion of this endless pie.
Success no need against.
There is nothing left to say if you fail.
Outside of your relationship with God,
the most important relationship you can have is with yourself.
I don’t mean that we are to spend all our time
focused on me,
me to the exclusion of others.
Instead, I mean that we must be healthy internally,
and spiritually
in order to create healthy relationships with others.”— Zig Ziglar