Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich!
Chapter 7: The Seventh Step Toward Wealth: Deciding
You will see how the decision appears in the comments
and how it must be implemented.
You will understand the need to reap the benefits,
how and when to profit.
Experience is not what happens to you;
it’s what you do with what happens to you. ― Aldous Huxley
Make today worth remembering. — Zig Ziglar
I analyzed 25,000 failure cases.
And have discovered that the bigger the job,
the more dangerous the indecision becomes.
Every single one of us struggles
with the habit of putting aside.
When you finish reading this book,
you will have the opportunity
to test your ability
to make quick and specific decisions
because the principles presented here must be put into practice!
Biographies of great fortunes have much in common:
owners make decisions very quickly,
but change decisions slowly and carefully.
And all the losers are very similar in reverse:
they make decisions very slowly,
but change decisions very quickly and often.
Mr. Ford was in the habit of making quick decisions
and was so averse
to change that the myth of his stubbornness
and stubbornness was formed.
It is said that it is this personality
that has motivated him to continue
to produce the car model (the ugliest car in the world),
while all the advisors
and many customers demand a replacement.
It is possible that in this case Mr. Ford is slow
to innovate, but on the other hand,
is it not this stubbornness
that has brought him many millions of dollars?
And is the stubborn stubbornness
to defend the decision more
than the procrastination and swinging
from one extreme to another?
“The fastest way to become a millionaire is
to increase your knowledge
by taking public speaking courses.”– Bill Gove
The most valuable lessons in life cannot be taught,
they must be experienced. ― Liam Payne
People with little money often cling
to the advice of others.
They allow the press and gossipy neighbors
to think for them.
Advice is the cheapest commodity in the world.
Just ask anyone
– he’ll give you tons of advice.
But if you decide on the basis of other people’s opinions,
you won’t succeed at anything,
especially if you want to turn your dreams into money.
And if you can’t do
without the advice of others,
maybe it’s
because you don’t have any dreams yourself?
Don’t tell anyone about your work except
for members of your BrainCenter.
Of course,
when selecting these members,
make sure they understand
and agree with your goals.
Close friends and relatives often accidentally trip you up
with their opinions or jokes.
Tens of thousands of people suffer
from lack of confidence because of the jokes
and sometimes not malicious
but equally stupid judgments of others.
After all,
you have your own head
let your brain decide for itself.
And if to do that you need facts
or information from others,
then find out all you need
but don’t reveal your goals.
There is a very characteristic point for people
that when they know something,
people often pretend
that they know everything
and know more.
Such people love to talk.
As for you,
if you want to learn how to make quick decisions,
it’s better to stay focused and silent.
People who talk a lot are people who do little.
If you talk more than you listen,
first of all,
you’ll get less benefit,
and two,
you’ll probably leave your plans open
to people who are eager
to take advantage of this to trap you.
Because people are very jealous.
And imagine that you talk a lot in the presence
of a really smart person
with whom you want to work.
He will quickly determine your actual level
of knowledge or find you empty.
So follow the rule:
and restraint.
Don’t forget that no one turns down the prospect of becoming rich.
So, if you generously share your plans,
don’t be surprised that among your listeners,
someone will pre-implement your (former!)
So your first decision should be:
ears – up,
mouth – locked.
To remind yourself,
write in large letters
and hang them in plain view:
what you know
– tell the world.
But first,
take action!
Or like this:
Judge people not by their words,
but by their deeds.
focus and passion are the devices
that play a key role in success.
Because of these things,
the majority are still looking for security
and the greats still decide to start
and build a business.
“Those who know the simple rules of deciding
to make a lot of money
will have a lot of money.” – George Clason
Turn a perceived risk into an asset. — Aaron Patzer
Usually big decisions require a lot of courage
and sometimes risk your life.
This is associated with all the great decisions
in the development history of human civilization.
The famous Bill of Rights that brought freedom
to the colored people of America was decided
by President Lincoln to publish
while he fully understood that thousands of friends
and those who were politically supporting him
would return back to him.
The decision of the Socrates philosophe
r to drain the potion rather
than abandon his point of view was a courageous one.
Centuries have passed,
but it is thanks to him that we have our freedom today speech
and freedom of thought.
When General Robert E.Li seceded from the Union
and courageously decided to sided with the South,
he understood better than anyone
that this could be worth his life
and at the very least claimed many love soldiers’ lives wish.
Instead of waiting for this,
great people look for problems
to solve for a part of society.
They are the contributors
to the technological innovation track record.
They use their brains
to solve problems not to move society forward
but to advance themselves,
and as a result we all benefit.
In the end,
a vision without the ability to execute
it is probably a hallucination. — Steve Case
Be brave.
Take risks.
Nothing can substitute experience. ― Paulo Coelho
But the most important decision
for the American people was passed
on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia,
when fifty-six statesmen put pen
to paper on a document capable
of bringing freedom to America
or hanging neck for all fifty-six people!
Of course you’ve heard this famous story,
but you’re not sure if you’ve learned the lesson.
History! We know history as it has been taught to us.
We remember the dates
and names of the warriors Welly Forge,
Yorktown, George Washington,
Duke of Kornuelis.
But do we know anything about the actual forces behind these names,
the dates and events that brought America to freedom
before George Washington’s army reached Yorktown?
You cannot find in any historical novel a single reminder
of this invincible power that gave birth to
and brought freedom to a people
whose fate has determined to continue on the path
and establishes the standards of independence
for all the peoples of the world.
And that is a tragedy.
The tragedy is because this same power should be used
by everyone to overcome difficulties
and make life pay them what they deserve.
Let us consider once more the events that give rise to this force.
Boston, March 5, 1770.
British soldiers patrolled the streets,
threatening the colonists with their presence.
The people were angry,
they hurled stones and sarcasm,
until the officer ordered:
Oh Prepare to fight!
Started a fight, many people died and were injured.
The whole people are displeased.
To discuss the event,
the Provincial Council of the most prestigious people met.
Two of them, John Hankok and Samuel Adams,
gave bold speeches.
They demanded decisive measures
to drive the British out of Boston.
We have enough reason to believe
that the decision made in the minds of
these two men was the beginning of American freedom.
This is a dangerous decision,
because come to think of it,
it requires a lot of courage and conviction.
Samuel Adams was assigned to meet Governor Hatchinson
to demand the withdrawal of British troops from the city.
The request was accepted,
the troops withdrew from Boston,
but the problem was not completely resolved.
It started a process
that later led to a change in the direction of human development.
“If you keep doing what you’ve always done,
you’ll get what you’ve always done always receive”
The secret is not in the mechanics of money,
but in the way of thinking that makes money.
Once you know how to think,
you will have endless possibilities for making money. ― Steve Siebold
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. ―Les Brown
Richard Henry Li became a notable figure in our story
because of his frequent correspondence with Samuel Adams.
These pioneers shared their concerns
and hopes for the well-being
and happiness of their people.
During the correspondence,
it occurred to Sir Adams that the very exchange of letters
between representatives
of all the thirteen colonies could foster the coordination
that governs all efforts necessary
to carry out the task of placing the order out.
Two years after the clash
with British soldiers at Boston (March 1772),
S. Adams proposed to the Council
to establish a Committee of Corresponds,
consisting of many reporters from all colonies,
to cooperate in friendship for the benefit of the British.
British American colonies.
In fact, it was the first forging of the organized power
that freed you and me:
the Brain Center that included S. Adams,
R. Li and J. Hankok was formed.
Before that,
colonists everywhere rebelled against the British army,
as in the Boston incident mentioned above,
but in general, the benefit was little.
For lack of a Brain Center to guide individual forces
and unite the strength of all hearts,
minds and souls to solve the only problem of all colonies
the problem of relations with England.
Meanwhile, the British did not waste time in vain.
Their plan was not spontaneous
but emanated from a common operating center.
Their plan was underpinned by finance and an organized army.
Those who learn will inherit all the essence of the earth.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. ― John W. Gardner
Don’t play games that you don’t understand,
even if you see lots of other people making money from them. — Tony Hsieh
In place of Hatchinson,
the newly appointed governor of Massachusetts was Mr. Gage,
who decided to use repression
to put an end to opposition activity.
To this end, Governor Gage sent someone to meet Samuel Adams.
To better understand what happened,
let’s listen to part of the dialogue
between S.Adams and Colonel Fenton.
Colonel Fenton:
Oh, in the name of Governor Gage, Mr. Adams,
I would like to inform you that the governor has full discretion
to negotiate the terms under
which you agree to leave the opposition
and return to the Government.
The governor wholeheartedly advised him not
to continue to displease him.
His actions,
to a deed issued by King Henrich VIII,
may well fall under the provision that those
who commit treason
or refuse to report the treachery may be sent back
to England to be repatriated.
To go to court in the event that the governor
of that province files a petition.
But if he changed his political direction,
not only would he be personally satisfied,
but he could also restore relations with the king.
Samuel Adams was faced with a choice:
either accept a bribe and leave the opposition,
or continue to fight with the risk of being hanged.
The time had come,
rather the time had come
for Adams to make a life-or-death decision.
And Adams made Colonel Fenton promise his honor
that he would deliver the answer verbatim to the governor.
He said the following:
Oh Colonel can you tell the governor
that my soul has long lived in peace with the king of kings,
and no one’s personal opinion can force me
to leave the cause of justice of my country.
And let the colonel convey
to Governor Gage the advice of Samuel Adams not to continue
to slander the sentiments of a cornered people.
Upon receiving Adams’ cynical reply,
the governor became enraged
and issued the following statement:
Oh, in the name of the king,
I appeal and promise leniency to those
who lay down their arms
and return to their duties gentle citizens.
Samuel Adams and John Hankok,
whose acts were too despicable
to expect anything but punishment,
were excluded from the names of those
who could hope for leniency.
In modern parlance, S.Adams
and J.Hankok were blacklisted.
The governor’s angry threat prompted them
to come to another equally dangerous decision.
They immediately gathered their most loyal followers in secret.
After everyone had gathered,
Adams locked the door,
put the key in his pocket,
and announced to everyone that it was absolutely time
to call the congress of the colonists.
And no one will leave this room
until a decision is made!
Everyone is worried.
Consider all possible consequences of this basic move.
Doubting the wisdom
of the decision was too specific
and provocative for this king.
But among them are two people
who are immune to fear
and despite the possibility of failure. ― J.Hankok and S.Adams.
By the force of their powerful minds,
all agreed that the Correspondence Committee
should do all that was necessary
to hold the First Continental Congress on September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia.
Remember this date.
It is even more important than July 4, 1776,
because without the decision
to hold that Continental Congress,
the Declaration of Independence would not have been made.
Before the day of the congress,
the leader of another region also had creative concerns
when he released the “Common view on the rights of British America”.
It was Thomas Jefferson of Virginia,
whose relations with Duke Danmor
(the king’s representative in Virginia) were as strained as those
between J.Hankok and S.Adams with their governor.
After posting the box General view of rights .
Famously, T. Jefferson was informed that he was
to be punished for being accused
of treason against the British government.
Hearing this threat,
Patric Henry,
one of Jefferson’s comrades,
boldly uttered the famous phrase of the century:
“If it’s betrayal, betray it as much as possible.”
During the two-year period,
with breaks,
of the First Continental Congress,
it was these same people,
who had no power,
no military force, no money,
who discussed the numbers part of the colony,
until June 7, 1776,
when Richard Henry Li stood up and said:
oh my lords! I believe that the Colonial Union should
and must be an independent nation,
free from all forms of dependence on the British king,
and that all political relations
between the United States
and Great Britain must be destroyed.
Learning how to get rich is not just about
how to have a lot of money,
but you have to know
what kind of person you need to be
in terms of personality
and mindset to become rich.
The greater the passive income you can build,
the freer you will become. ―Todd M. Fleming
You cannot have a million-dollar dream
with a minimum wage work ethic. ― Stephan C. Hogan
Mr. Li’s bold proposal was discussed
with great enthusiasm,
and most importantly for so long,
that he himself began to feel impatient.
A few days later he asked
to speak and declared boldly:
Oh, Mr. Chairman!
My proposal has been discussed for several days.
But this is our only way out.
Then why, sir, are we still wavering and procrastinating?
Let this wonderful day be the birthday of the republic of America.
Let America rise,
not to destroy and conquer,
but to restore peace and law.
Before the statement was made to be voted on,
R.H.Li was forced
to return to Virginia
because of a family member’s illness.
Before he left,
he passed the job on to his friend Thomas Jefferson,
who promised to fight
until a new result was achieved.
And not long after that,
the president of the Hankok Congress appointed T. Jefferson
as chairman of the Committee
to draft the Declaration of Independence.
The document was drafted,
and on June 23,
the General Assembly reviewed the draft for the first time.
After several days of discussion and revision,
the Declaration was approved.
On July 4, 1776,
before the General Assembly,
Thomas Jefferson boldly read the decision unprecedented in human history:
When a nation feels the need
to break all political ties binding them
to another people and transitioning to the equal,
sovereign state that the law
and God have afforded them,
respecting world opinion requires
that nation to claim the cause
that impels them to spend independent right.
When T. Jefferson finished,
the document was passed
and fifty-six men signed it,
and each of them,
with his signature,
staked his own life.
Thanks to this decision,
a nation was born,
by its existence affirming the right
to self-determination of other peoples.
Analyze the events leading up
to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence,
and you will understand that the powerful
and venerable nation of modern times was born
when fifty-six men of the Brain Center cell died
determine the fate of that country.
It was their decision
that ensured the success of Washington’s military,
because the spirit of that decision permeated every soldier’s heart,
because that spirit did not accept the word defeat.
It is the spiritual strength
that has led the nation to this freedom
that is needed to form a hardness of character.
The principles described in this book are part of that power.
In the story of the Declaration of Independence can be separated very clearly.
These are desires,
brain centers
and planning organizations.
When times are bad is
when the real entrepreneurs emerge. — Robert Kiyosaki
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep,
you will work until you die. ― Warren Buffett
Acquainted with the philosophy of this book,
you have come across the claim that thoughts,
reinforced by passionate desire,
tend to transform into their material equivalents.
What can confirm the truth of these words better than the story just told
or the history of the founding of the American Steel Association?
Want to understand success methodology?
First of all,
don’t look for miracles,
because no magic at all.
Only the eternal laws of nature that those
who have enough faith
and courage to apply will also grasp.
Whatever it is gaining freedom
or accumulating capital is the same.
Leaders in any field make decisions very quickly and clearly.
This is the main reason
why they become leaders.
The world has always reserved a place
for the person whose words
and deeds represent:
he knows where he is going.
The habit of indecisiveness infects people
from a young age.
It becomes a chronic disease
if a boy graduates from high school
and graduate school
without setting his own goals.
Many young people look for any job
and grab the first job they find.
Those people are always impatient 98% of salaried people do not know
how to achieve the desired status,
and in general how to find the employer that offers the job.
Consistency always requires courage,
sometimes great.
As we said,
the fifty-six men
who signed the Declaration of Independence were betting their lives on it.
But, it is impossible to be financially independent,
not to be rich,
to be successful in commerce
or any hobby without a mature
and goal-oriented approach.
Anyone who desires wealth as strongly as Samuel Adams desires freedom
for America will surely achieve it.
Rich people understand
that the order to success must be: IS, DO, YES.
Rich people plan for four generations.
Poor people plan for Saturday night. — Gloria Steinem
“To attract attractive people,
you must be attractive.” — Jim Rohn
Lack of determination is the main cause of all failures.
Your brain, not someone else’s,
controls your world.
The 1776 decision in Philadelphia still injects strength
and confidence to America today.
The independent spirit is tuned to the waves
of the power that governs the world.
Be firm with indecisiveness
– your own and that of others.
To decide if it’s effective,
analyze how other people do it.
The burning desire
for freedom will bring freedom.
The burning desire for wealth will bring wealth.
The voice you believe will determine the future you experience. ― Steven Furtick