Secrets Millionaire Mind
Chapter 6: Admire other successful and wealthy people
The only difference between a rich person
and poor person is
how they use their time. — Robert Kiyosaki
Poor people often see the success of others
with eyes of resentment,
contempt mixed with envy and jealousy.
They even compare:
“Why are they so lucky”,
or whisper:
“The rich snobs!”.
You must realize that if you view the rich as evil,
no matter what aspect and angle,
situation and form,
while you want to be a good person,
you will never be rich.
How can you become someone you always look down on or despise?
It is surprising to see the contempt,
even resentment,
that the poor have for the rich.
It’s as if the rich make them poor.
They often say things like:
“The rich have taken all their possessions,
there is nothing left for me”.
That’s what the victim said.
I want to tell you a story with real life examples
that I have experienced,
not to complain but to illustrate this rule.
Before, when I was poor,
I used to drive a dilapidated car.
Changing lanes on the road is not difficult at all.
Most people make room for me to cut in.
But when I got rich and bought a luxury black Jaguar,
I couldn’t help
but notice that everything changed.
Everyone pushed my car,
cut through the road right in front of me,
not to mention occasionally raised their fingers in a mocking gesture.
Sometimes I even get stoned
or thrown at things,
all for one reason:
I drive the Jag.
One day, I drove through a poor suburb near San Diego
to distribute turkeys during a Christmas charity trip.
I pulled open the ceiling glass
and noticed four dusty guys sitting in the back
of a truck driving right behind me.
As if there were no people,
they started “playing basketball”
by throwing beer cans into the open window on top of my car.
After leaving five dents and many deep scratches on the car,
they ran past me shouting,
“Disgusting rich!”
Of course, I assumed it was just an isolated problem
until two weeks later,
in another poor suburb,
I parked on the side of the road
and came back in less than ten minutes,
and the entire side Mine is locked.
The next time I went to that suburb,
I rented a budget Ford Escort,
and oddly enough,
I didn’t have a problem.
I’m not claiming that in poor suburbs
there are always bad guys,
but from experience personally,
I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff that can make the rich angry.
Who knows,
maybe it’s a difficult question
to answer in the form of
a “chicken or an egg”:
Because they are so needy,
they hate the rich,
or because they resent the rich,
they are poor?
In my opinion, no one cares about that.
Things are still the same,
and they are still poor!
It’s easy to say “don’t resent the rich,”
but it depends on your mood,
and anyone,
including me,
can fall into that trap.
Recently, while having dinner in my hotel room,
about an hour before my Millionaire Minds evening class,
I turned on the television to watch a few sports games
when I came across Oprah Winfrey’s program.
Although I’m not a big fan of TV interviews,
I love Oprah.
More than any other person on this planet,
that woman has impacted many people in a positive way,
and she deserves her hard-earned money, and more!
At the time, she was interviewing Oscar-winning actress,
Halle Berry.
The two talked about the film contract
that Halle received,
one of the largest film contracts in history
for an actress with a sum of up to $ 20 million.
Halle says she doesn’t care much about the money,
but her efforts to win this huge contract are
to pave the way for other women to follow.
There was a slight feeling of doubt in me:
“Huh, do you think me
and the people watching this show are so trusting?
You’d better take that huge amount of money
and raise your agent’s salary.
This is the most colorful statement I have ever heard.”
I felt the negativity rising in me,
but fortunately I was able to control myself in time
before that terrifying power overpowered me.
“Delete, delete now, thanks for sharing”.
I shouted out loud with my mind
to drown out the jealous tone.
I cannot believe that.
This is me, the “Millionaire Mindsetter”,
who was recently jealous of Halle Berry for the money she earned.
I said loudly,
“That’s right, girl! Let’s dance!
She is stunning everyone!
You even deserve 30 million dollars!
You’re so talented and you deserve it.”
So I feel much more comfortable.
Whatever her reason for wanting this money,
the problem is not with her,
but with me.
Even if my opinions make no difference
to Hall’s fortune or happiness,
but they really made a difference
to my wealth and happiness.
So don’t forget that thoughts
and opinions are neither good nor bad,
neither right nor wrong,
as long as they creep into your mind,
they can certainly enter your life,
enhance or weaken your happiness and success.
At the very moment I felt that negative energy running through my body,
my “watch” immediately rang the alarm,
and because of training,
I immediately neutralized the negative thoughts in your head.
You don’t have to be perfect to become rich,
but you do need to recognize the times
when your thoughts aren’t supporting yourself or others,
and then quickly turn your focus to your thoughts,
think more positively.
The more you study this book,
the quicker and easier the process will be,
and if you take the Millionaire Mindset course
you will be able to make this process easier happens instantaneously.
I often refer to the Millionaire Mind course,
but I wouldn’t be mesmerized by the program
if I hadn’t witnessed first-hand the amazing results people achieve in their lives.
In the famous book “The One Minute Millionaire”,
my good friends Mark Victor Hansen
and Robert Allen quote the immortal story of Russell H.
Conwell in “The Field” His Acres of Diamonds was born more than a century ago:
I think you should get rich
and getting rich should be your duty.
How many friends have said to me:
“Do you, as a Christian pastor,
spend time going around the country
advising people to get rich,
to make money?”.
Yes, of course I did.
They asked, “Why don’t you preach the truth in the Gospels,
but talk about the making of people’s money?”
Because directing people to genuine earning is the purpose of the Gospels.
The rich are quite possibly
the most honest people you’ll ever meet in society.
And yet a young man sitting here tonight says,
“Oh, I hear people say all the time that if a man has a lot of money
he must be a liar,
a coward,
a selfish man,
and a mean man. “.
My friend, that’s the reason why you have nothing,
because you always keep negative thoughts about people in your head.
Your faith has been built on a false foundation.
Let me explain better.
98 out of 100 rich people in America are honest people.
That’s why they are rich.
That’s why they can be trusted in money matters.
And that’s why they lead large businesses
and have many people working with them.
Another young man said:
“Sometimes I still hear people making millions of dollars illegally.”
Yes, of course,
I’ve heard similar stories,
but it’s actually so rare that the press continues
to talk about them like a hot topic,
giving you the impression
that all the rich Everyone got rich in dishonest ways.
Hey friends, take a drive with me
to the suburbs of Philadelphia
and get to know the owners of homes around this wonderful city,
beautiful homes in gardens
that are always in full bloom.
I will introduce you to our best personalities,
our most successful business people,
our honorable landlords,
honest and frugal.
We still remind people against greed
and use so many bad phrases like “dirty gain”
that people get the impression that those
who have a lot of money are evil.
Money is seen as a kind of power,
and you should have the right aspiration
to have a lot of money!
You should have money,
because once you have money,
you can do more good things than when you are poor.
Money to print the Bible,
money to build churches,
money to send your pastor
and money to pay evangelists…
So you should become rich.
If you can get rich in an honest way,
that is your sacred duty.
It is wrong if these pious people think
that you have to be poor
to be considered a pious person.
There are many notable points in Conwell’s passage.
The first point deals with the ability to be trusted.
Of all the qualities needed to get rich,
trust must come first.
Would you agree to do business
with someone you don’t trust in any way?
Certainly never!
So to be rich,
obviously you must be trusted by many people,
and of course to be trusted by many people,
you must be a trustworthy person yourself.
What other necessary conditions are there for a person to become rich?
It is true that there are exceptions to every rule,
but in general, what new characteristics do you have to have?
Can be successful?
In addition to your own personality,
you must converge these characteristics:
and astute at least one area.
The next interesting factor in Conwell’s passage is that
many of us are infected with the idea
that you can’t be both rich and honest,
or rich and holy at the same time.
I used to think like that too.
Like most of us, I have heard from friends,
teachers, radio, television…
say that rich people are bad,
that they are all very greedy.
That is the way of thinking that leads you to the dark end:
becoming a failure.
Based on personal experience,
I’ve found that the wealthiest people
I know are also the best.
When I moved to San Diego,
I lived in the wealthiest part of the city.
I like the beauty of the houses here,
but I feel a bit confused because no
I don’t know anyone and I don’t feel like
I’m a good fit for this place.
So I decided to live a secluded life
and not hang out with those rich snobs.
However, my kids,
who were five and seven at the time,
quickly made friends with the neighborhood kids,
and I had to stop by the mansions
when I dropped them off or picked them up.
I remember knocking on a wooden door
that was six feet tall and intricately carved.
The mother opened the door and in a friendly voice she said,
“Harv, it’s nice to meet you, please come in.”
I was a little embarrassed
when she poured tea for me
and brought me a plate of fruit.
“What do they want?”,
my skeptical mind curious to know.
Then her husband,
who was playing with the children in the yard at the time,
also came in.
He was even more friendly:
“Harv, we are so happy to have you as a neighbor.
You and your family have to come to the barbecue with us tonight.
We’ll introduce you to everyone here,
and we don’t accept rejection anywhere.
Oh, do you play golf?
I’ll play at the club tomorrow, will you come?”
At that time, I was really shocked.
What happened to the rich snobs
I was sure to meet tomorrow night?
I came home and told my wife that
we were invited to an outdoor party.
“Oh my God,” she exclaimed,
“what shall I wear?”.
‘No, you don’t get it,’ I said,
‘those people are likable, approachable, and unpretentious.
Just be yourself.”
That night, we were introduced to friendly,
cute, serious and open-minded people.
The conversation gradually turned
to the topic of charity work initiated by a guest
One after another,
the checkbooks were taken out.
I watched people line up to give that woman money.
But each check came with a condition:
The responsibility was on both sides,
and the woman had to use the money
for the charity the donors chose.
The friend who invited us to the party
that night also regularly participates in such charity events.
They even set out a goal
to become the main sponsor in the city
for the Children’s Medical Examination
and Treatment Fund’s activities.
They not only contributed tens of thousands
of dollars to the foundation,
but also held parties and raised hundreds
of thousands of dollars.
Then we met a cardiothoracic surgeon.
We quickly became close to everyone in his family.
He is one of the top vein surgeons in the world
and has made a lot of money.
Each day, he performs four to five operations
and receives an average of $5,000 to $10,000 each.
I tell this doctor’s story
because every Tuesday is his “off” day,
and he often operates on people who can’t afford the surgery.
During that day,
he worked from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
trying to perform as many surgeries as possible,
often over ten,
and all for free.
In addition, he also established a charity organization
and mobilized other doctors
to participate in free medical examination
and treatment days for everyone in the community.
Without saying it you would have guessed that my idea of ”the greedy
and snobbish rich” had completely vanished in the glare of real life.
Now I know the opposite is true,
because the richest people
I know are the likeliest and most generous.
I don’t mean that people
who are not rich are not nice and generous,
but I can say that the idea that
“all rich people are evil” is stupid.
In fact, hating the rich is one of the surest ways
to push you to poverty.
We are creatures of habit,
and to overcome or change any habit,
we all need practice.
Instead of resenting the rich,
I recommend that you learn to admire them,
learn to bless the rich,
and I also want you to learn to love the rich.
Thus, from the depths of your subconscious know
that when you become rich,
others will admire you,
bless you,
and love you, not angry at you as you are with them now.
One of my life philosophies is derived from the wise
and profound proverbs of the ancient Huna people,
the wise teachings of the elders of the Hawaiian island.
The adage goes like this:
Bless what you want.
If you see a person with a beautiful house,
bless that person and that house.
If you see a person with a nice car,
bless that person and the car.
If you see a person with a warm family,
bless that person and that family.
Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Rohn
Prosperity Rule #17:
“Bless what you want.”– Huna proverb
The point here is that if you’re angry at what the rich have,
then either way,
in any form,
in any form,
you’ll never get what he or she has.
If you see a person in a gorgeous black Jaguar with the hood open,
don’t throw a beer can at it!
Do what you are scared to do
and watch your confidence grow. – Grant Cardone
DECLARATION: Place your hand on your chest and say…
“I admire rich people!” “I bless the rich!”
“I love rich people!”
“And I will be one of those rich people!”
Then you put your hand on your forehead and say…
“I have a Millionaire Mindset!” We are self made millionaire.